Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
tr IN8UH- VNOE.'a FIVE a nd MABI tHK usdersign*ed authorized T0 TAKE KIP.E a>d MAKINE RISKS ON ! Buildines, Merchandise, Hulls» Caro:oes, and Commissions U CuiTont liates, in tlie Followin >amely: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL, ALL1ANCE ASSURANCK FIRE & MARINE, LONl * WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG GENEEAL 1NSUB SUN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO. J. 8. AVAI .KE for the Hawaiian OEPWAT & PORTI Rohinson līolel St., helween Fort*ind Xuu Have Jxist Reco v(d. jer Late Arri\als, lbe I Pipcst Stc N1TURE Ever lmpOrted to this Country, Compris Hndsome Carved Bedroom InJSolid Oak, andofiht LATESi\DESIG ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESJ WICKE3R war Beaot fol Des gns of Wicker Ware, consistiug ol SOFAF, CHA1RS, ROCKERS. etc. ,vou eaa get the; FINISH you clesire. CHAIRS, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS, in even* style, including ant’ HIOH CHAIRS. E22I , TE:3SrSI03Sr T-A:B:L3 ' Wo bave had a nuiuber of ealla for tbeso Tables, with C1 match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL 0INING ROOM FURNI? EVER SEEN HERE. * Sideboards and -:- Chiffo: Divan> v n>1 \vith POKTIEKS are becomiug quite th< plaee of LOUNG£S -w« mauufacture them to order. a lmge stock of PORTIERS to sehct from. BEIDIDI2Sr<3*. Grer.t Assortment of WOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spx Moss, W(k>1 and Straw Mattresses ou band and raade L1VE GEESi: FEATHERS :«»d S1LK FLOSS for Pillow CR1BS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors aud sises. CORMC£ POLES, iu wood or br.iss trimmings. E B I B I DT.Q-. Mattressos, Lounges und all Upbolstered Furnituro n naaoi ahle n tes. CABINET MAKINO. in all its branches, bv Competent MATTING LAID tui ln* r:or Deoorntiiig under tbe Sup Mr. GEOROE OKDWAV. Our Goods : re F rst CI ss. aud our prices are the low .nd i*e c«nvinced —a trial is s*>licited. Bell 525. TELErno>Es: Mutuai i ORDWAY »v PORTER, Robiuson Block. l>«tween Fort ai Telfpho.nes; Bell 351 Mutual 417 Rf.side Mului F, 0. B< F, B. thoma: C0NTRAGT0R and BUIU Estimates Given on AllTTi