Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OpEF^/\4oU« I J l.KVKV I.,-,. W. K 0A1LF.Y Ma . . - Second Season o Dailev St<xk ( • umler the jvrs toal dii\vtii< \V. R 1)ailet. I • Thursday Evenmg OCT. 18. I*H4. THE BLACK FL/ Saturday Evening. OCT. 20, 1S94. Tho Great Eiglish Com« O TJIE3 BO-STS | Another ijreat Lau.uh prov Door* open nt 7:30. Cm wi!l rise at 8 o’o'ook prompt. se22 td LADIES’ C0LU1W Yes, we nre going t-i gi' r>und trip ticket to the Vo! to tbe bringing m great*st nnmber of our S Ch»‘cks on D«-ce»rber 26tb. ille<l on Mr Ch:»se, the Ge» P >sseng ‘r Agent of th« VoIc Hous° Company at his T ur H<* dqnart**rs, William’a G >11 aml h »ve m ule nrr »»g m •«»ts v h n». so th t o r r pr< sont»i ■* ea > go/ p w tli th • Th<is. C •* Son’s Fhccursio» from tlie Cn co >sisti> g <>f twenty five pe» !eaving here n J >nn ry 29tl y■» s tl-sire or >t «ny «>t*ier t We uro «s aux «>u* th it who» reprse- ta us on t is trip s have al! Ihe pleasnre there i it. as we are t<> hareyonkn that by o>rQ » ck Sal- s anJ st Profit S)?t<in <>f d ing busic y«»u g t tho most for your mo —that it enables yoo to an»ong the great variety <>f gt in our line. EQLTPOISE WAISTS, eh er tlmn ev r. and speaking al Equipoise an d Corapror W »ists tbey combine thre« f ments iu on>* —a C0R S E ’ \VA1ST. aod eon.i-l C *v-r. T «ffurd the aaine buit snppirt a regnl ir o >rs-i d es. bone |x*ck* U are so arrx> g d hoQ' s ean b- remove l <>r re-in> ed »t a»y ti>ne with *at any r ing being d ue, Lad es who find i| >.;nc »:rf > bl<* l * f'C ordi»ary Coi and st’ll c<n >ot do wit!» • » a sapport will fiod the Eqnif Waiat th« 1 »ng-l *>ked-for ■»») t t<* for 0'rs*‘ts— six ■«. T j st ihe the ih ng to weir «t »Vu!ca»o Tr.p. Save ali yo »r Sale Ci.f You majr b.* ihe locky om.