Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Laugh Maker. [ARTICLE]
A Laugh Maker.
As a distnrber t of the re«ible«. i oo comedy. eitber io the -past o r ‘ present re»gn achieveU the , recorvl gn : ned for Boy’s."! IU LonUon roo of 1500 oighU. \ »bich is a trifle orer three years § ! joaM l>« a sQfljcieot neeommeo«lation of its exceilence to sav nothing of its American snccess It is the sty!e of comedv that retains the interest throagbont owing to iU domesticitv and home like pictares not foanded 1 on the mcsb and tni!k plan. Tbe «ale of soaU ia large an 1 a prowded hoase will doobtless gladeo Maoager Dailey’e eyes.