Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
do not ho»! onrsr!T*% r i ->p.tisible for - th« o{M&>oas oi ntteninors of onr | o-rTM r s'ii'lrnts ] . Editob Holomua: Mr. overconfiJent anneiaiionist of the S(ar of Oct. llth, will find many hard «nd dangerons fords to cross befi*re he sacceeds m his nefarioas scbe ue of stealing a natioo and acnexing it to l uele Sam or any otber Sam. tie wifl waHe up some fine morn ing aud directly eome to the eon* citision that ho is now andalways _ bns been, notliing roore nor less tlian an overgioVn, hide bonnd. cutfer-damphool, brooght abont by a conglomeration of the hypotlienuse that has ditferentiated j the par«lleli>grain so maeh thut iho consanguiuity don’t emnlate the ordinary etfervescence running through bis addle-pated bram. Anti-A.v\ex.