Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — ON TO PEKIN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


. : A. JAPANESE AKMY INVADES CHINA. i; Ihe End of the War Approaching. \ Sh«Dgfaai, Oct 4 —The Japan -so fi)rces whieh receutly lnnded in the Gulf of Pe-ehi li are now on the march inland, and a de1 cisivo l>Jittle is.impending between the invaders and the*Chinese forces. The hitest news regirding the army of thiity thousaud Japauese whieh landed to the aorlh of Tiea Tsm is that the torce has reached the city of Uui Chu, in the province of tvilia, about tifty miles fiom the sea coast. and a considerable iialanea to tho north of Tieu Tsin. The Chinese troops are being •oncentrated at tl.e town of haan, ne ir Lm Chu, in order to ivsist the Mik ido’s soldiers. The Chinese mtlitary authorties continue to make every 'Ossible i)roporalions to resisltluhroatened Japanese invat>ion •ut tho wretched conditiou of heir defense force, and the :riumphant progress of thoeneio\ brough Korea into China. aud •nward toward Peking, afford •mall hope of these effbrts being •uccessful. lhore is a frigbtful disorgan ziliou iu tlio Chinese army, liowing liulo or preparation foi var, while the Japanese ufford 3videuce of long nnd careful lrilling. Tho Cbinese nre badly clothed, nd complaiut is made of the carcity of the food, whereas tlit ictorious Japaneso a~e reported o ke provided with every comfort md eomonionee known to ex erts in rnodorn warfaro. The Chinese seem to havo been >etrayod within their own ranks nd to thisciuse recent defeat.ru iu some dogree attnbuted. lt is stated that lorge quanties of nrrns aml cartridges pnr•iased by ihe Chiuese Goveru- • ieut, and for whieh payment has >eon made, eanuol be found j he disapi earance of thes< j •iunitiuus of war hns cansed s j ;reat sensation at he«dquarters 1 nd the matter will be tho sub |<*ct of careful iuvc$tigatioD. Ihe Chinese nra»y. hurriedh 1 •rought iuto action, is funnd to i 10 in overy way badly prepared j or tlie emergency, aml dison.lei s rampaut tbroughont the ser- ' \ The uorthern portion of tbe sea % <v»rd of China is swept bv Japi|iese cruisers. > It is feaml in Peking tbat Japai iutends seizing the Chiuese uh>euais, aml iu blocking accegs to tbe 8upi.ly ol war m.»terial. .News has reached here froro i'okohama that the Jaj>«nesc goverumeut has decided to ris» * loreigu loan for the |>urj> se of j oarn iug on Ihe \»ar with China. • l-ive J •panose croisers have I »xrived ell’ Ch< san, whieh is a »rgo i> a’;d noar io the sonthern j>art of the Yellow Sea, »nd south of Shanghai. 11 is reported that Mr. O’Oon aor, tbe ilritish M<nister at Peiing. bas cubled alarming ad vices «s to the attitude of Chinesc toward f ivigūers. Karopeau women and childr«n st Hankow are removiug to Sa*nghui, Tbe Viceroy of Hankow is fortifvi g the c.ty Hgainst «Uaok by a mob. A nsing cf the populaoe «• 4ain>.l Uie fore th«t <?1ty.| s fvured. HuukOw, wh.eh »s s lsrge city wu. -Uiurud miAul, *

] on the T<ng-tse Kiang. contain9 . msny Brdish residents, and it is « *tated tba. inftammatory p!acards i I itciting Vho Cbinese to attack t a »d drive out the whits people, e are bemgd'stributed in the city.