Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — ONLY ONE. [ARTICLE]
Mr. II Kloimue is tho onl Iiiilopenilonl Caiululato for Lop isl«tive Lonor, Mr. EmmeluU, j «Ithoogli petitioned by inai>' voters rofu>.nl to run «nd th> hnaohino is triutuphaut. Tliecoiu ingelectionisof noiuore interest t> tlie people, aml thore is virtualb uo reason to iucnr the expense «• holdii>g nn oleeliou. Klemm. will uudoubtcd)y be elected, aiu ! if it was not for tli«t fact t?i% maehine ticket eouKl «s wel go in bv acclam«tiou. That the governmeut and th< country will rogiet this {>olic\ wo have not the slightest doub of. To beliove th«t the peoph in Iho long ruu will staud s:icl state 6! «fl«iis wouKl be cbildisl . We lully admit, that the peoph are to be blamed, bccauso it w«> their duly to plaee themselvos ii « positiou to bring forth au o}>> poeiliou ticket. Nevertbeless, «. cousider it a poor stroke of )>olicx on the p«it of the govern> tueut to have ailowed tln maehiue systeta to }'rvdi>uiiual« «ud Oaho to be represenUd b_\ aueh uoo-represeuUiive uieu a. MeC*udles8, Wright. Winston. Cluncy and others of the uomiu nted geutlemeu uudoubteilly «re. Im«giil3 the laws that wiii lx fr«uied by au assembly 10 whiel. legal kuov)edge «nd «bihty «it represeuted only by Cecil Bro» u Cha» L. C«rier. «ud JosepuI Tb» preseme o{ ti;e Atluruey Oeuenii will of ooun»e muteri«lly «ssist, iu the “good work tu bu Uone. We do nol meun lh«t u Legis. lative usseinbiy sbould be dumtn*ied by mon of iegul tc«iuiug.
- that the «bnif.r of Mr. Brown aml 1 Mr C<rt«*r is beyoud the averige. But il seetns «hsnrd to fonn a !aw ir,nking 35senably in wLieh a the rnnjority are men wilhont aJacatiun au*i -*-ithoat exp3r:ence ■ m the br.tncbet* of a govfrcment, “ whi' li dc«l with judicial acd iuanei&l elemenTa. However, the die is cast aud ■ the govermnent has crossed ils Rubicond. With thirty Cundi- • lates of its own noniination and only one “itidependent,’ it cert iiuly has no canse of eomplainl. e .