Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — THE PROPOSED CABLE. [ARTICLE]
To j from the A'lveiiifsr'* rej>ort tli s morniDgof tbe cable transactions Uml b.»vo takeo plaee between tbe gorernmeiit aml Messrs. Mercer and Fleraiup represeutiug Uie lintisb and Cani»<li>in gorernmeut respectiveIy, it wookl appe»r as tbebarg»ii was closed. and tbat n full anu bindmg agree>uent bad been entered upoo. Tbe lenn, of tbe coutract raen tioned mclude a lease of an i*land. an aunnnl subgidy und eveu! a scaie of transmission rales. We understand that no suc! agreement bas been raade ai thorgb prop»sitions Lave been inado aud suggestions advanced by tbo cablo iigeuts. Tbo gov ; ommeni bas simply observed i ! strict attitudc of non-comraittal ! and if wo are correctly iufonuei. j virtually left the wbote matter ii ; tbe bands of tbe l nited 8tate | witb wliieh it ut preseut is iatmg h treaty tbat will e.stabfisl an Ainerican 4 protectorato ovei Hawaii. 8bunld tbe l'nited States giv Hawaii eaiie hl'inehe to do whai sho ean in regard to a cable ucgotiations with Canada will b cuntmued. but tbo cabiuet wil leuvo futuro devises and tinal urrangoments absolutely iu tb< hauds o/ tbe Legislature. Tho comraissioiiors frora Cauada bavc been raet in a raosi friendly manner by tbo govein raout, aml liave been listened t< wilh intcrcst. Mr, Floming cnthusiasiu over ihoealile scbeui has 1 >0011 bailed with ploasuro n: it proves tbo sincenty of tb< C'unadian gov» rnmont, but noth ing lias bccn said or done wliiei could lead the couiraissioners t< believu tbat tboy gaiued havoun\ tbiug besidos fneudsliip, courtos; and good d>nners. If Mr. Hatcb i. reponsiblo for tbis attitudo of bi govorumont, bo bas provon hiin solf a better diplomat tban w Lonestly tbougbt bo \vero, an< wo believe be bas struck tbe rigb key-note. It is just as well t know e\actly wheie wo staud bc foromakingany arrangeuientsth may provo entangleineuta. A\ enn wa»t a little longer for tb eahlo.