Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]
CONSTITUTION and LAWS ♦ Framed bv tlie Missiouaries L AWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. H* shall alao g\ve inforio»tio » as t > the mannerof iii, iing busine*j in foreign cjunlriej«. He shi.ll aUo be prej«eal a» interpreter wh»rever His tc»iiaa»-Ui any g >vernjS»ent bu»i«CM with anv f >reigner, an<l il »hain*e his .lntv t«i gir® inturnQRtion on the nubject of thit |urtieoitr hnHin.'»' - h’ne in other ooiinlries. lt shall l>e his duty to atlend on trialt» tw>f re the (I >vert. r>», wheuover directed bv His Msje»ty, an»l in a* miiHi es ?h>'re is uften great embirrassment, s fruui a m : 9uodersUndiog of languag«. or from ihe real ignorance of the intorpreter. 'l w 1 ther«fore Le particularly pr >per f»r f >reig*iers who wi*b to 9peak tohū> Maj«*stv on anv bu-»ine«« whieh requires h - offtcial action, to first eail on lhf !<?gal!y a;>p»int ‘>l interprelfr. Th;s R*so!ve of the Houee of Nohie» and Hou«e of Keprese!>titive», hjs nK-eivrd Otir signaturejlhia twe fth d iv f M «y in the year ».f >>nr L>rd one thun-.»;id cight bnndred an«l f.>r.v two at Lahaioa, Maui. g »ed) K»*rH>M> H» III. Kkailuohi. CH vl > TKK 1.1. QUaK\NT1NE AVS. Wr»-reaa it h>s he-u eVar v »*c*t. -a d tt>at th- « n»!l P x h»a pr-v»ilr»l »n o.»e »r n >re ehipe «»» v cr i s. g n ih • P.eioe Oce»n, whieh id-t he»Xi»-cte«l to v»« t {> S«n<lw ei and wh«T»-»» lhit d s?a«e <• i«der«l»<d t» pr-r.»il al thprese»t time. in port* «»u tl»e \Ve9tvrn e n«t • f Am«r ea. fr«qnei«t y viaiud hy ahipeui th*fir v y u» t »e S»nd«ich l-l«iida and wb-r-«9 t » t i #e se 9 «*x e <• v ly pr v ■< r»t i 1 «-> n« o th« L«!»od> of lhi9 Oc«»n. lh-rrf r- b-r it n e e I bv th* N-'b!r« j»»d lbe B ly in e . e l *>e ah ed. SSCT10X I. Kd*PjCCT1M» Piumw. 1 Trut ev«ry p-.lol «h»il n ->ffick>, const tuU »ne » ! lb* <9 Bo*rd of H aUh, f »r the port« wh*re tbey fe*:de. Aod K «hill be lh* duty of all Pilou *t *U Por %of the I»land« wheo th*y *w f*re«g » v*-9« a appro.cb og, 1» go *ff ieeuwial« v a» vl !Īe il the wi>»ward m d* » f I»« vnw h»t not b-jv*rd hvr unūl th*y hare firet prtf*e«»led the C»pt «ln with a i cert $e .te -4 lb!!ow: • <«l