Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal Hustace &; Qo. I HAVE MOVED TO — Morgan's - Auction - Rooms fi>r » ‘Vf t!niDeparture Bay COAL CHARCOAL. ALGEROBA Hud KINULINO \VOOD 1b inr nai.it ltr Botb TeIrj'hoQrt 4U •«*> Pioneer Shirt Factory KSTABLISHED lv>T. A. M. MELL18. rroprietor. 5IS Fort 6t.. Hot>1uīu, (Up«t*ir») OooO FU CONS0LIPAIF,t> S'tP.V WATF.R CO. E S PI. V N A 1) E: C«r. All.-n «nd For» M». : : Ho«olula 110LLISTKH * CO.. Agt «»•. F0R SAIE. A KIN’K “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION colt bt*Ioocm5 to P. D Fbe colt ean be sreo al the PAN l HEON ST\BLE from to-momvr. The White House! 118 Xuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS-Fii$j-cla$ i(QOiīiing [lou^e IN EVERV RESPECT. Rooms [rom $1-50 to $3.00 per Weel or 50c. per DayPAl'L LKMKE. PROPRlETOR. B.‘ll Te! >!. - 1 AU2 22 NOTICE TO Visitors, Pioiīie P->rtics. Luans OENEKAl. PUKLiei At SHtrn■> i’. - v\d Livbbv Stable, King Stref.t. [Ailj.>inrnf; Mt?trop->lilan ile«t Murket.] ls ihe Cfceapest PUee in Town yon «'an get Bne,e*, Wagonetiei«, Bnggies am) S«ddle Horses. !t wili pay y- a to eall and see faefore yoa try eKewhei» MuIuhI Telephone 408 aagl-tf LEE SU\G KEE, 49 KING STREET, TIXS1IITH. and DE-VLF.R IX GLASSI ware. Cr ckory, Coal-Oil Storrs, Watcr Pf»*H—Pluoitāng in All Its Pmnehee Faithfrily Execnte<L jvIS-ly yOTICKl)nrii.£ my absence froni tbe i co»«*try }«fter tbe iiep.ru;re of iha "O-anie” for ehin?» Ch:n I)ock bave ful! ch?»rgo of rav hoai—ne?>? antl atfiiirs generally. Wailuka, Se|»t. 24, LS94 Ah Cukw THOS- I.IND8AV » \ f I Mer« bant Street Honolala Aew Store, nevr Jewelry Gold, | Silver and Diam.onds. - , Jewe ry Manufactare to order. j Hatche» c!eatied aud repaired, i^'*> 1 ! »nd tnspect.^j ee4-tf Let o %' Lea A^ C8it Kic if »treet, oeyt • »!ker» prrmUe«, eootaJoiag *#4 lt*w Mrooai«, Nith?ftota. *r»biw asd »t KMUHKA*. Utc>y oe upini i.y Mr. »n w«ttr iasd: n-nt tced«' >t ’ P*rty. Addrt»j A»R.iHAM rauv*