Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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tr INSURA.NO FIVE a ND MAHINE t hk i’M'K :.-k;ned authoRizkd T0 T\KK KIHK a>d MAKINE HISKS ON Buildins:s, Merchandise, Hulls» Carsroes, Hrei<2:hts and I Commi^sions At Curmit Ratos, iu tlio Following Cos. .\amely: ROYAL IXSURASCE COMPASY, LlVEKPOOL, j \LLIAXCE ASSCRANCfi FIRE MAKINE, LONOON, WILHELMA 0F MADGEBUBG GENERAL 1NSCRANCE C0. SL’N INSURANCE C0MPANV, SAN FRANCISCO. .1. S. WAI -KER, jfgT*Agent for the Ilawaiian Isiands. ORO\V AT & PORTEB t Robinsou Bloch, Holel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Eecciv«d. jcr I»tc Aitivals, lle j Sicck of FUK MTURE Ever ImpOrted to this Country, Comprising Hndsome Carved Bedroom Sets 9 Onk. andol tke LATESl DESlGhS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: WARE, Beaut ful Des ; gns of Wicker'Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1US, ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean get these in any FIMSH you aesire. CHAIRS, eounlleK-, muut)ers of CHAIRS, in everv stvle, inclnding 0FF1CE an<’. HIGH CHAIKS. i BXTE1TSI01T TABLES, i We have had a number of calls for these Tubles, with CHAIKS to raatcb. Wo have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL OININ& BOOM E VEIl SEEN HERE. FURW^ftE — i Sideboards and -:- Chlffoniers !TDI 3NT & - «3 i Divaus covered with P0KTIEKS ure becon»iug ijnite the rage in jvluco of LOUNGKS—we manufacture to order. and have a laige stock of POKTIERS to sel,ct from. Bsrr)iiTG-. Gre:.t Assortmont of WOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring, H:.ir, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresscs ou hand and made to order. I.1VE 0EE8E FEATHERS «ud SILK FLOSS for P.l!ows. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors aiui siz<-». C0KNICE POLES, iu wood or br;.ss triaimings. 3ES B I K I 3ST fc O-. Mattresses, Loungcs ul all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasotiable rttes. CABINET MAKINO, in aīl its branches, by Competent Workmen. MATTING LA1D <; d Iut rior Decoi-»ting under the Suj>ervisi6u of Mr. OEOKOE ORDWAY. " Our Clooils :»re F;rst Cl:iS8. aud <>ar j»riee»i are the jowest Come aud be c«tnvinced —u trial is 8ulicitod. Bell 5‘Jō. telephoxes: MiUuai 64Ō. OKDWAY A POKTER Il<»binson Block. heiweeu Fort aud Nouanu Telf.pho.ves: Hell 351 Mutual 417 Kesidexce: Mutual 410 P. 0. Bo\ 117 F. B. THOM AS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER li)st iinates Griven on All Kind*5 0F BKICIi,«, STŪNE 4 WH BOILDDiGS All Kinds of Jobbmg in thc BuUdiog Trade, Attcnded to. KEEP8 KOR WAT.fr., Bncs. Lime, C«ment, Ipon Stone Pipe *nd Fitiing8, 01d A New Cormgatad lron, Mistoa.Tilea, Quarry Tile*. assortad aiaea and colors; Oulilomia «nd Mouterey band, Granite Ccrbing sjui Bloek», etc.. ete • t Corner King dt Smith Sts. 0FFICE YAKD:» OflĒice Hoors, b to ti if„ ( ‘c 4 PF.