Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OpE^HoiiSE L J. LEVEY U*s»c W. R. PAILEY. Maaae«r Second Se*son of Dailey Stock Co., under the personal direction of W. R Dailet. Thursday Eyening. OCT. 13. IS94, THE BLACK FUSI Saturday Evening. OCT. 20, 1394, Tbe Great English Comedv 0"CHEe BOTS ! Another great Laugh provoker Door* open «t 7:30. Curtain will rise at 8 o’e'oek prompt. se2*2 td LA0IE8’ eOLUMN. Tes, we are going to give a mnnd trip ticket to the Volcano to tbe person bringing m the greab*st nnmber of onr Sales Checks on Dvceraber 26tb. Wo Called on Mr. Cbase, tbo General Passeng*r Agent of the VoIcano Honse Company. at his T->uripts’ He:<dqnarters, William's O <llery. and huve raade !»rMng*-m>uits '.vith h'dj, r > unt onr r-pr« sentative ean g«( "p witb the Thos. C <oc & Sou’s Eicnrsiou frora tbe Co«st; consisting of twenty five people, !eaving here n J*na*ry 29th, if y.»n ai desire or »t any other tirae We are ks anx ons that wboever represdnts ns on tnis trip slmll have nll the pleasure therc is in it. as we are to haveyoaknow; thnt by o ir Qnick Sal< s andamall Profit Syst ra > f d ing ha«in ss. v >u g t tlie most l’or yoor money -that it e< ables yon to buy amnng the great variety < f goods in onr line. EQCIPOISE WAISTS, ch«ap er tban ev<-r, aod speaking about Equipoise a n d Corapromise W;«ists they eomhine three garmenta in on • —.» C 0 R S E T a WAIST. and C *r»et Cov r. T i**y flbrd the same bast supp>rtth <t a regnl «r b<n-d e <rs»*t d ee. T >e bone poekela are so arra<>g d th-.t hon*-» ctn b- remove<J«<r re-insert* ed <it a <y time with «it any r:pping b>hng d ne. Lad wha tlnd il unomf>rtthle i < wear V»e ordi ia*y Corset. and stdl e <n >ot d>» vith • t atn-.e support will find tie £quip • se Waist th« longd «>k<d-for s .bslit te for r->rsets-sii s. They »re st ihe tbe ih ng to w«ar rtj f.e Volcano Trip. S*ve all yo ir S. 1; Cbec’a. You may bj tb« lacky < n \ B. F EHLERS & C0. POUND NOnCEL gsvea lo »0 panoaa »fea» ikm MiiUw d>mMi Poaad *t Mt kikā m» «3b» U. 19*4 lj mt»A *n«t* hmaimi AīA oa Uk» ngft« kiad b«. 1 nd «■« bn«M TL oa lht hft h«sd l«fL «tu» «po» <m Om tonb—<1 satl oa lixs ■mm« i*i a*utM »*» «t. P pww» pmoa* ovu»j «o«» - oo« aad Maiikw «i» •*> »u I Uk« Ihe •***• »-» ov 't* aan*, F*ID vT, 0«. «w iiW. WK. KJt Fi. M» m.