Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

;rhr Holomua (Ealoidar. OCT. 1!>, 1894. \f T w Th F r 8*t La>{ Q-B'rter 5 i 6 Ort 6 JL Pni! k'oon, 14 10 11 J 2 lliFiwt QnMter. 21 16 17 »S 19 20 K«w Moon. i 23 34 25 26 2S 29 30 31 TK**CL« 1« PO«T. \ATAL TB»IUI. ’ , •: S lfv;i. nth.M»y. R»qaim»nlt, B;C. » xnoumnr. m. ĪV<wi». Newe»stle, N 8 W. \v M I)imoml. Nilaoo. S F. . r A i-!i», 1 »bf>l. S»n Kmneieeo. M Ke 1".p.Iwuiwn,Cr»j i/7«rbur. , s Ar*»r*U», Hon.Uette, 8 F. , < o.kl nd. Scat» e. — , t I EXPi:< TED. rt L vers . ī,avsanlii I)u€ > < . y ■ { l'ekine.Yokohtma. .Oct 9 ī nt»r L«y«»n Id... ()rt 5 ,rC..,k„ . 11 Totrn*endOrt 12 .1 ~itat Pt Tuwnwnd CK*t 20 Kl-in,.re Nevrcai»tle....Oct 20 r F«>rest ..N*-wo»«tle *’ct 2o t. nl«rk.. LiT«rpool..... Oot ?-0 r 1’■ i Knrok» < *ot 31 1 M :".n« Al». .Newc*atl*.. Nor 1R r I’ ritan .. Kewcm>tle... Nov 30 (fUniv- r .Newca«tle. ..Nor 30 l’.nl Is*-nl»erK. .Bremen.... Dee 10 I F< l.iverpool....Jan 30 5ltr.IH.Jf Tf » 11, «EKVirr. -1,!}.« will Ieave for and arrve s ; in Fr»ncisco and other foreign , .>n or nlxmt the fullowiog <iatee, • c!ose of 1894. H3NOLCLr Drg at Honolclc , s»v Fkancwco. Fm. Sav Prascibco VaV. 0CVFR or Vancocver. Dtcd. In (hi« ci»y on Oct. 19 th 1894 Wm. l’inoWoo*i agod 65 ye.ir-s. Tho (nnoml !t t ike plnee from the leaiilenee ou Berit»ub st, at 3..'(0 I'. M. T!io Pantbeon Saloon is the 1 t for the cel»br;itetl Knterl»Tr. where it ean always be [' .1 e <>l aml fregh nn tap. We i n t ileal iu * Fr«’(lerickebnrg B i" as the n\orning Pip»r—i i g| t so r.e inial.’ke lia? adver1. C 1 1 i at the Pantheon f r i - - f i« sli Hg drink. .ĪIM DJllD, Pmprietor. * T.dk about braying asses. The t wn is full of thein. McRrt.yer’s \\ s only to be fonnd at Empire Saloon. Aud when it > f mnd it stnys. 'n T\oqtia of lheEmpireS«loon 1 1 1 ulo a now tle:i! whieh will tho he <rts, ot at least tlio | it s of inanv a thirsty wunder He keepa *‘half-Mnd-h«ilf” di.»nght aml sorves a most de i iis aud oool boverago. far • j - rior lo “plain” beer. ee 17 tf <E .1 \Vtllianis tho well-known Ai ist'c Photograpber is makiug u s|>oi .alty of porlraiU on Watci< 1' ls aiiiī Silk H:«ndkerchiefs. L o iiplcte sels of Lantern slideK i«' ean bo had at the gallery. Eur lhey uro sold at a reasonablo l' r , re by the dozen or by the li«ndied. * ' WANl’EI). Ho«8*keeper er nurse by i\ -r eiic«’d nurse jnst from lh« l* S. will leave th«* l«»«nd t »nurse. Inqn*re •• t HeLoMl A OkeL K. i o v 8 ?t. ,s d Ilamwai BatliHDUsE Tbe ut'd« rs g od h*viog ī fasE0 the «e!l k* w i iLANlWAl B >TH iio SK nt w. i eiki. b« gs U» 11 1 <ru. v,u. thttt it w d be run as a Strictly First-C BATH!NG RES0RT. fWT* S • ei * eee in*nfd tione f r L d. 6 .: d Cl i dr a. W.8 I’4RTLETT, Pr .| net r. pf. Tr m-cars t-»e pl«*© «00 *