Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — The Alameda. [ARTICLE]
The Alameda.
Tbe R M. S. 8. Alaineda arrired l>st evening at 8:30 o’eloek froto Sydoey aml Aackiund. U«>ogh weatber delayed her somewhat. Sbe left ' i y«iney oq (ha lst «>f Ootober. and Aacklaod on the 6th of October. Sbe bronght eig>it passengers for tbisportand bad twenty in tranii» Khe re aamea oer passage at 11 o eloek th ; .S tnorning. A nnraber of paa sengers left in Uer frum tbia port. The band waa in atteudance at ker departare. Her popalar old akipper Oaplain Moige was aa genial and h«»althy aa osual