Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Dr. Henry McGrew is reporte«i >is sutfering from a relapse. Miss Neumann left iu tbe Alameda today for tbe coast where she will vigit her sister. A nnmber of her friends met at the rt-sidence of her parents last night and wisbed her Go«l speed. Mr. and Mrs. F B McStocker. und the Misses Afong t<>ok pass»ge in the Aiauied»«. They will -uuko a short trip abroad. Mr. .Mc*St«>cker goes «>n busiuess eonnecte«l with the Cnstora House. M iss Wodehonseund Miss Ward retnrne«i frora Muni yesterday. Messre. Fleming and Meroer who h»ve been here on cable b»siness left for Wushington toJuy. E. R. Hemiry of the Hawaiiun Hai Jware Co., left ou a bnsines8 trip this morning. The munv friemis <-f Miss May Cninmins ure pleused to seo lier *-nj«>yinp her daily rid s »nd l««oking well ufter her pruloi>ged illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lnning wera passengera in the Alumedu. They will visit Cahforniu uud return in six weeks.