Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Splendid Performance. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Splendid Performance.

r,- - Tbe emali boosh whieh greeted the “Black Flag” «t tbe Oper» Hoase last oight is a good evidence that the Hooolola poblic does not bave safficient taste to appreciate aaythiog above ao ordioary variety sh «w. The “B»ack Flag” is a bigbly iaterestiag comedy drama that aoon force« the audieace into tears and tben briogs it ioto coovalsions of langhter. The Compeny sarpassed itself and tbe small aadience was highly appreciative. Miss Geaevieve Nannary as Ned, sh->wed great aoiiity and heeame «t onee the favorite of the andience. Al. Hullett's Lazarus mad ) a decided hit Miss Stockmeyer was as osaally ea cored in her daet with Mr. Weiner ‘,1'm Not 01d Enoagh to Konw/' Miss D«lgl eisb m«da of Naomi a very etfjctive char «cter by her «bil«ty, although tbe opportaoity <ras me«gre Mr. Snow sastained ihe goo l impre3sion reconled her-?tofore as Harry Glyn«lon. Mr. Belmoar did a very satisfving ■ louble and as the Gaide waa vorthy of praise. Mrs. Belmonr3 scene with her iron willed busband w,«« oue of dramatic strength. T;ie play throaghout Jwas raore than enterUiuing and the absentees shonlJ say “We are sorry we were not at present.” Oa S«tarday evening we shall be favor«-d by Kobinson*2 faraoas comedy ‘ Oar Boys“ that L«s nch : eveda worl«l wide repntation for its seutimental hnraor.