Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEDS o: WOVEN WIR The Luxui OF TFIF I9th Centui A MrsterloTis Ta Did 3nvbody erer h«*r how th« ' ««.» ijn>wn. How the miU po» in the eoeoanu»; m»oi;o #eed w«# #own; From whenee the natire* c«me to peop :air bnd. And when tliey died. where thcr «11 we h«ppv duskr bsnd* The-e fact« «re «M my«terions. «nd n. tion eet, And there's other mysterie« qnitc *< whieh ;»re not f«tbmnvd yet: Wh>'W»« il ran the opiuia nng. got liqnor (ree, How »i< it Custom# men wete blind, tiv.s could'nt »ec? , 'Whoae eoins to be the T*mmany F tliis> mo«t pion# town, Who'll #rart the Show, t.> whom «hall plank thc “needfnl" down; Wbo »ill be Bo«s. and run the firm will tbe Buckley be. Tc do it on the Krisco plan of the Kepuhlie frvc? One thinsr we know that BAILET’S are mide of WOVEX WIKE, They eive us comfort, peaee and reat, a all tbat we desire: ! Ile takes no pai t in polilie», but do best be ean, To please his frienils, and show that h' \VOVEN’ W1RE MA-\?j W0VEN WIRE BAIL Manufacturer 0f W0VĒN W/RE Beds Holel Street, Uonnlnlu, ( tloor t ) Horn’s Steam Bakerv. Sold oy AU RsspoctE HIsalBr3, nng 14-lm KAMEHAMEHA GU SCHOOL. Tbo first term of Kamehameha SchiH>l will oi en Monday Noveml>er Apt>Hciitii)ns for admi.-sion mav l¥> adi ed to M.iss l’ope enhcr ut Kamehu M mu'il or Misa Pope, w.U be in tbe I iian Kinder-gorten Koom. Queen 1 . Ha'l, Satnrd.iy mornings from 9-12 she will he pleased to meet <f>plicants. 1 tnition is tifty dollars ($ō0.' a yenr. cpplieants received under 12 years of i Oct. ll-!m. CARD OF NOTICE. Schnrf <fe C«'.. has t l:ngt >n Bl"ck Uote! Slreet. n tl>-y will be better iible to • anel pleaae their Patrnn8. Wiil keep on hand all the ! paj>ers. B>ok St«tionery. Perū«dīc Novelties, in a 1 i branche8 i tr.ide. se Per S.S. AUSTRAL1 from the Coast OAMAUIlie Hefrigerato Contain a Full Supply o House, such as ( Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Canlifl Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaehee, Api Mrctarines, Japanese P Tokay Grapes, German Pi Crawford Peaehea, SUver Pi Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett P Sikle Pears, Etc.