Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Sej.>:ember 17, lSi>4. If we remember e«rrectly the “Ch:irles=t >n” was the first of tr.t* “Whfte Sqa*dr n ’ to visit Honolula. Her arriv;il on her second crn : se is still in the mimls of peo|>le who were here on Janu«ry 29. 1891. When with at h-»lf-mast and ymls cock-bailt she entered port with tbe body jof Kiug K-ilakaaa, the kind «t- > tentions sbonn by the officers to tbe King dur ng the voyage to tbe United States and tbe, a!raost sacred nnnn?r in whieh the body was gnarded wb : le be;ng borne to the Islands, end>-ared tbe “Charleston” to the peo]>le of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in tbe pow>-r of the people. tc.eir apj-reciation w..s sbown to tlie officers dnring tbeir stay and when saded tbey left graven on t>blets of love and memory, evidences of their Aloha f>r Hawa.i. Few, if anv, of the officers who were heie then are on tbe vessel now; sorae have reacbed tbe nge of re*ireinent and others bave gone to oth-*r vessels but tbe CbarIestou is still greon in the beart of tbe Hawaiians. Have yoa ever used a PansjSt >ve? We bave been selling tl)em for four or five ye»rs nnd to day -they wear the “Yellow Coat” in tbe empire of stoves. They nre recognized by ev**ry i oue, even dealers in otber stoves, as a snperior art : cle and one whieh they do not care to run up agaiust. Of course st »ves may be booght from people who aro uot dealers. We have poople running bero every day or two for fire br cks and parts belong--vug to stoves tbey have bonght from ot!ier parties, and when tbey fiud tbey eannol get tbein they discard tbeir stoves and bny a “Punsy.” You see tbere is a disadvautage in bnying dear tbings at low pneee. Come 10 us anel get a Pansy at 815 00 and you get full valne foryour money. Yoa don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteen dollars, mind yon, bnt you get a first class stove that is wortb Tbirty dollars to any oue Our Ready Mited Paints are suited to tbe wauts of neople wbo Lave a little painting tbey want to do tberaselvcs. Tbe advantuge in bnying a prep.tred paint is tbat yon have tbe benefit of tbe best mixors in tbe United Stites withcut having to pay f<»r it. Tbe paint is ready for use directly you take tbe top otf tbe ean aud if you don’t find it eheap er and better tban any you em raix ycnrself we tre raistakeu in our esperience In California the i ainters are us : ng tbo pr> pared article in preferonce to bnying lead and oiis becmse tbey find it to tbeir advautage to do so W’e bel eve it is nnly a q ;estion of lime when the painters here will fa.ll into line. Hanging lamps are in as gre»t demand now as ever. People seem to w.->nt som> thinc for ligbting pnrposes th*t will give ns good lig(it as tbe snn—they fi >d it in tbe lam; s «e are givmg away. Onr eheip stand lamps are an excellent tbing for a servants rooin and will fiud a readv aale in tbe lsland stores. We ean supply any demand for a single larnporfora tbonsund. There’s ]ots of Hawaians wbose Koleanas need fencing and we have the wire witb wbicb t>» do it. We bavealso the raaterial for building a fence that will last nntil lo ig after the milienium. Inatead of paying a h:g i pric • for poets, oreven gettmg tbeia for tLe cutting. vour fence wili cost yoa less m ney if you bay steel Rtaya and wasbers and make a Jooea Locked feoce. We have evarytbing yoa w»nt in tbe bardware «nd hooae furn sbing gooda Ine yoa wiah. Aud «re coart iuvestigation as to tbeir quality and pnoea. ., Hiniia Mfsit Ct mrati8M