Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Big Suits. [ARTICLE]

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Big Suits.

I Ihe repablic is enjoying nol 1 e«e tban foor suits whieh will b« tried at the Norember tenn. P»blo Artime elaima $500 as ■ reward for inform»tion giren in a cerUin morder case in 1892. Mr. 'cbarf demands 110,000 damagee for bodily and menUl injnries receired by falling throngb ■ sidewalk pr*ting. Fred. H»rrison, tbe contraotor and A. V. Qear elaim $10.000 (or an alleged riolation of oontract o( tale of ■ ieaae o( gorernmeot aod Fred. Hamaon brings ■ snit for $10,000 on tbe gronnda aa io bia joi#t «#i| wilh A. V. G«m. The officers aod lraate*# oi tbe LeiUni Boet Club met Ust nigbl «t tbe HoUl. tnd wiil eUeaae meant to rai*e nūjonsij f#adi Uie pupm oI bott» n