Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — HE DENIES. [ARTICLE]

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In yesterday'a Adrtrii$tr Mr. Hosmer, the principal of Pnt nahoa, denies that he bas ever re1 fiected in a derogatory manner - on the popils of *'awaiian parent- > age. Tne denial is ratber V8gne and it seems to os that it ia not > an open statement of an npright man who holds a reaponsible - position. bs.t ratber an attempt to sbufile oot of tbe aff»ir by vir- - tually aaying tbat be dou't want to , tuke notice of bis aeeuaen. Far- . tber enquiries nmong tbe pupils, t «nd others confirm the original , >tatemeut tbat Mr Hosmer ba« sp ken in bigbly improf>er terms of tbe balf-wbites, and evea wnrned bis white popile from as sociating witb tbera. Our enl quiries bave aUo disclosed otber tbings wbicb if tbey are confirm1 will ptacetheprofessorinamost i unenviable ligbt and prove tbat he is notat »11 impartial not even iu bis well known dislixe of and couterapt for balf wbites. Even aome of tbat despiaed race aeem to fiud favor in tbe eye of tbe autocrat who *‘do€su’t care what people say." ’ihe trusteea who apparently sustain Mr. Hosmcr in bis policy of race-batred sbould iemember tbe large suros given to tbe school by Hawaiian chiefs and cbiefesses. Such benevoIeuce was uot exercised for the purpose of baving the cbildren of the soil discriminated and abused— if uotbing worse When our investigations aro fiaisbed we almllahow tbe state of atfairs at Punahou witbout fear or favor.