Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Practical Benevolence. [ARTICLE]
Practical Benevolence.
The late S. N. C«stle before hia death erpresseil Lia iiesire tbat a l«rge portion of bia great weahh abould be Jevoted to certaiu cb«ntable purposes. His heirs will falfill bis wisbes to tbe letter. Tbe bequests are as follows. J2o.OOO io tbe Hawaiiau Board of Miasious. 15.000 to tbe Honololu Libn»ry Aaaoeiaiiou and a fiue pipe organ, to cost from $2500 to $3000. for Ihe uew boild iog of Oabu Coil«ge. B«eides tbere ia $10,000 whieh will be given iv «ome otber worthj object. whieh haa uot yet been defiuitely aetUed upou. (