Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
1 Removal ! h.we VOVED to Morgan*s - Auct!on - Room» f>>f a »hort tisn W» ar«*UU *«UniK Departure Bay COAL ; charcoal, ALGEROBA aml KIN*DLING \VOOD in aay -iuant!tT. Both T«»*phoo« 41* aatf Pioneer Shirt Factory E3TABUSHKD isst. A. M. MELLIS. Proprietor, ' 51? Fort 5*.. Ho** r 'lalu, (Ui’«Uir») Good Fil C05S0LIPAtED SODA WATF.R C0. (LutrrrKD.) ESPLAN A I) K : C or. Allm and Fort M*. s s Ho«»UI« H0LL1STER * C0.. A(t>au. FOR SALE. \ FISF “ MIDNir,HT " STALLION eoli belonging to P. ean l<e s,enatth« PANTHLON (mm to-mom>*. The White House! 118 Nuuauu Avenue, 1 HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN -ISLANDS S Firpt-cla$ Jiou50 IN EVERY KESPECT. Eom Im $1-50 to $3.00 per Wwl. or 50c. per Bay-
PAL L LE.MKE, PROPRIETOR. Be!l Xe!ephr r,P 132. fti'2 22 NOIIOE T0 Visitcrs. Pienie Psrties. Lnans —AND—GENERAL PUBLIC l •j*r\ w n At S.H(r!i's ano Livery Stable, Kino Stref.t.
[Ailjoining MetropoliUn Meat Market.] U tho CLe«pnt PUee in Town yon ean get Bus-e<, 'Vogonedei«, Baggies and Sa<ldl« Horses. !t will p>ay y»u to eall and see before Ton try elsewhere Mutaal TeIephone 408 augl-tf LEE SUNG KEE, 49 K1\'G STKEET. TrysMirn. axd deai.br ix qlasbwan Crnckerr. CoeJ-OīI 8toT«n, W*ler P'**s—Plumbing in All Its Branche« Faitbfrlly Executed. jj'18-!y NOTĪCEDnring n»y absence from the co«mtiy after :he depart’ire of the *'0*~-ftnic” for Ohina Cb:z Dock »iil bave (ull chargo of mv baaine*? anil affairs generallv. Wailuko, Sept. 24. 1894 Ah Chew THOS. U\DSAY 2U8 Merrhaut Street Honolula Store, ne w Jewelry Gold, Silver and Diamonds. Jewe?ry Maouficture to order IV »tches eleaned aad repaired, :n «nd ee4-l.f To Eet or Lenae» A U«»C»E oo Eine •*«*«• “*»• _** e«lk«r» prtmi«e*, cvat»lnl»C P* rto . r - «P~ iow, »ad b«droo*^ h»tbroa»i. naT«a>«ncra. i»t»ir oo h f t«Ua»i»n «9lct Utd. txm I woile' *»• «o N» lOWiWe p*rt». 4**«** _ jJ»CAUAX PtO»>X>W>