Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fire, Iiifc Marine INSURANCE. HARTFORD F.*HE IXSERAN'CE CO.. Assets, $ 7.109.825.49 LOXDOX-L ANCASHIHE FIRE IXS. CO.. Assets, $ 4.317,052.00 THAM ES-MTERSEY MAR1XE IXS. CO., * Assets. 8 , XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geuera! f >r the Hawaiian Islaods, Uonolulu H- E. 8( B^0 IMPORTEKS AND DEALEKS IN G roceries, ]Provisions AND Feed, < EAST C0ENER F0RT & KING 4 STS.. Ncw Rec’d By ever\’ Packet froio the Easteru States and Europe. Fresh Califomia Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfullv attended tn, and Gocds delivered to any part ōf the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Ordors Solicited. Safsf»ction Guaranteed. Post Office Box N<>. 145, Telephone No. 92. P. 0. B -x 480. Mctual TelepHone 245.

The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Biiy Newand tond Hand Fmiture IS AT.5THE eOKNEU OF Kinn & Nuuanu Sts. X L Honoiulu ;h. l ir»

iPANĪHEON SALOON, >; FOKT AM> HOTEI. ST,1 | Headanarters Entorprīse Brewin2 Co. THS Largesl Consignuient of Betr that ever arrived here, noT on Draught jTl» J DODP. Prop’r | — REAI. ESTATE AGENCY Hon;4es lo reut aiul for s>.le. Reuts coIleot«Kl, conveyanciug in all its branches attended to vrith promptness and <lesp ; tch. HosoiLr Reai. Estate Agexct. 103 Furi St. I '* ISrOTICE. lo fQturvs «11 IHLL-S i- r aaJ«-rtakiBg will Ibo OB |>JVSfE:*tioU. We cosj pdM to meort to ttm role, ea aeeooui of i tbe ta*b*blT lo n iVot th# wy n!T ot oor ; T 'c.Vrtak'.ai; htll» sfw»’ ineenl» »rv oT«r. wau\Ms EKO», l ED. A- WILLI Oā». mvi eeiedies. QVUL' CX Kt Cnr*H»pt5«o. UmwAo. Ciurrt,t>saj>.«:: * »nd «« in iae wam le*ssHop«s «rv «strrt4.i»T<l UJ.t ts wtli fnn l4*«»5 _ Tlwx n »»4 Ibt Bted by ttk« i»o,» 4eae»to »n4 I iu> dxCdPr»* «ttitiD «te ns*«J «ī.» r - * Sr 3r». c.tt.fciiin«ar, »MWyg«ir«fH ‘»r MūW. *av ih. —