Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OpEF^\4oiJSE L. J. LEVEY - - Le#a«* f \V. R. PAILEY. M«n«2«r Second Season of Dailev Stock Co.. muler the pers »ual direct.on W. K. Dailet. Thursday Evening. OCT. 18, 1894. THE BLACK FLAGI ! Saturday E'-ening. OCT. ‘3), 1894, The Great English Comedy BCTS 1 : • Another groat Laugh provokor gW~ Doox s open 7:30. Cnrtain w.ll xisa at 8 o’o'oek prompt. se*22 td LADIES’ eOLUMN. • «■ Yes, we are t> pi%-0 a ronnd trip tioket to tha V«>Ichik* to the person l)ringinj* m the preat“st number of our Sales Ch*c'<s on 1> ee i ber 26th. We t’ille«l on Mr. Chnse, tho Generi»l P s<eng r Agent of th“ V oleano Hous“ Company. at his T *nri>ts H“ Jqnarters, \Villiani’s G >llerv. and h >ve inaile arr mg m»ntswith li * o ir r“pr^sentative ea) go ■ th tlie Th »s, C ■<)« Ā Sou’s Excnrsiou from tho Co<st; eo s>stii*g * f twenty five p»-»*»t»lo. Ietvinghere n J>»uiry 29Hi, if y.'ii s ■ d»*sire or »t any other t me We are :is ><nx ous th tt whoover

repr s* ts ns on t is tri|> • ; 1 11 tlie pie;isnre tiu re is in it is we *re t* h ive yon k now : tliat by orQ tīi-k S.i!-san«l «in ill Pr<>fit Sy<t in - f cl inR iuuin s> y..n t the most ior yonr money —tb.it it pi ables yon to buy am >ng the grvat variety < f goocls in onr lin»*. EQUIPOISE W’AISTS, eluap er th«n ev r. and spe.iking about Equipoise an <1 Coroproraise Waists tbey eomhine threegirments in on j —i CORSET « WAlST. anel C <rs tC »v r. T <•■>' oOonl the satnp bttit snpp >rt th<t a regnl <r 1>'U •<! e <rs* t d es. T e bnie jMick<ts >re s-> arrsi.g d tint i'On 3 em b- n*nioved <>r re-ins*'rt-eel a«yti ne wilh »at any r pj>irg b-;ng el ne. L«d es who fio«l t unc<>mf >rtibl<- t • wear Pe ordinaty Corset. and st'll C*n->Ot d=> with ••<! 8>n.e snpp<>rt will find the £quipmse W.iisl the 1 'iig-l "iktd-for s bslit for e r«-ts —si* ». They «re j st i b<* the tli ng to «ear < n 1 1« VoAr>o Tr p.

gJp'Sav.‘ *ll voir 5ile Check*. Y»u m«y b Ihe locky • aeB. F. EHLERS A C0. POUXD MASTERS NOTICE. Not O» * ri*>T glT«t b> lll P«*>M lbu ; tbere >» »* u»- O •Terbaicti» Puaal •: 1U- : kiki I*. ISM lj , « iiie *Wii >o bcwi»i J0 E o* iL» kad *■■&- I rp l o.» TL oo ;h* ><t fato l t#» ekih) <« U» Lwfcw.i tbl »• tfa» UIj icoas i tfa* f e<: ».r «*» eo». F \aj pnv»t * |(rr«. • t>«amg i^** io« us4 dJiit tv !«)«•*■! •,>• cu>u« ti.i iak« Uw Ma-* ■>•• or i«<or9 1- o'eK<* oooa. FB1D V. Oa «. W«. - WM K.l Pt. a is>i- . j U*. iuT«Ur