Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

XOTI€'K. « H1 Dnring my ab enct- f'oni •heIslnnif j .'' f R. Hokui O. 6raibe is <lnly «nthorize 1 to ivce ve «n«l r<e»-i|»t f>r «II mon es doe nnd o«iug t> nie -I. W, I.U'INO, «t n y <‘ffice e; nnt N<>vetn*»er 23rI, 1S94. «t whieh date I vi!l person«llr atteu i. £ J. W. l.UMNO. | oct I7th Im V n FOR 8A1.E. <.<») S1SAL PI.ANTS from the Hahnma» I«l;«nd* have heon iinj«rt«l and oan h>- had :t in <iuantitio« to *oit b at the HoloMft OrriCB- Tho*e intere*tod in new in- l) du*triw *hoold not loee this opportunity. oct 15 tf. I Etc., . t Corner King and AUkea 3treeL» 1 faiiiariBoV:4('fer.!tors By F ;cty Steamer from San Franci«co, »ith Fresh r ruit, Oysfers, S3!nr.nn, Pouliry, Erc- Erc, Erc.. Ktc. *ept &, ■**— 'j. MACHINE MADE • ■: . : i ‘ • t POI! F.ICT EY, : : K»l. Hl Taro Pbnt«, T*»i« »nd T»rt» »1 >11 t‘tuw. Riug l’p Mut *-l 7e<«i' ; »ne Bell W. L- W1LC0X. • v