Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jh( luilanma ffalmdar. • OCT. 1S. 1894y PO*T. >avaL v[MU>. ’ B F M S IfjAcmUi, M*r. E«qaita»nlt, B,C. i MrKTHAsn»cr. , ... ,ro. Hm«. NeweaaUe. N 8 W. k v k w H I'iniond. Nilaon, 8 F. ' r \ ,j, i, < abei, Sen Fn»nci»co. Iv»"Mn, Cr»T> //*rbor. L < \r-tniU. Hoadlette. 8F. hk Oakl’iui. FO II I6H Vt»lU riPEfTIB. . i; |i«rtI/Tto...LiVMn Id Do»> ī < i v ■ f Pekin»i.Yoki>h;«ina--Oct 9 ! wtPlmt« ... I-vw«n Id... <vt R tl ii' (’mk... H TwD»ndOct 12 V K1 l itat Pl T«wn»n4.0ct 2n j,jj Klnnon? N*‘«rra«tlv....Ort 20 f* \t.\T For*-* ..NeweapUe *’ct 2o . “ l i:..:itenback...LiTRpooI <)c t S0 \" , r K\ F.orck« *Vt M.iuna Ala Neweanll*;.. Nov r 1’ rit.«n... Neweaaile.. Nov j, GUnivor.. Newea«tle...NoT h l*«il 1 lMDl«g..BNMk— Dk .... Limpoal Jan pokmon ri.iiL *nvirs. 8te»n'(dil|« will leave for «nd arr ve tr s.«n FrandBCo and other foreign , .on or »boot the follow5n(? dates, lill the elooe of 1694. 1 r*vc. HaxoLCix I>i’t * r Ho50trLr ,, R s«s FRAvnsoo. Fm. Sav PaAKeuoo OR V.«N> OCVEK. OR VaS< OCVIt. Pekine An inilin Al«med«. Miovrera An-tn>h« X«ti|fcMM (V'«-»n e. lvn. •. Au«tmlin Monowni Mioweiw einna...
T'io l'autbcon Siibn>u in the (!• Iot lor the cel*br:«tetl hnterj,riM>15 er. where it ean alwayB he fouml e «>1 aml fr* ah on taj>. 'Ve | do u-t ilenl in 4 Fn deric'<Bburg Beer” aa the morning P«per—tl r*ugh Bor.e mist«ke Ii«p atlv**r- ; ti«**l. C* •11 at the Pantheon f>*r r--ficalt ng drink. JIM I> >1 1>. Pr**prietor. * T*\k about braying asses. Tlie t >wnis (nll of thera. MoBn»yer’s whiskey a only to ho fonnd at the F.mj>iro Saloou. And wheu it s found it st«y8. Fn l\C(inaof thoEmpireSaloon bas made a new deal whieh will toucli tho liearts, or at least the 1 :tliit* s of many a tbirsty wamlei - er. IIo keops *‘half—antl-half eu draujrht and serves a most de licious and eool beverage, far suporior lo “plain” boer. se 17 tf
J. J. Williama the »ell-knOwu Ar;i>tic Photograj>her ia m«king a specialty of portraita on \N utch I)i ls aod bilk Handkerchiefs. Complete suts of Lantern slidos loctures e&u be bad «t thegallery. For lhey are sold at a reusonable figure by tho dozen or by the hundred. W.VX , rKT'>. A> Hon» *kceper cr nnrse by «x •crieuoed n«rse just from tlie fJ.S. will lcave the l*l«nd t »nurse. Ioq»v re »«t H« LoMl'A OFKlCE. rctS ot d Dancing School. 1 h b*» «or t • r iW-.ir.ng t • Wan» huw ti> 1>aSi. »■ I. . 'w wiil W giv«n *l the ol»l Artuory on I> t> u » sue*t c\ery T«v*<h»y, T lini ' sl »u S tuniav niglts « r»p nnl *H: , ilU». I’ETER McKlSM>N
Ilaniwai HatliHDnsE T»ee. d-rPg e lh»vi. g l he «ell «'• w. 1i.aN.waI I>vtH i o 8E *t W.is»U.b«gil»»'» n». V u tlmt it wII be mn a» * Sir'ctl y Firsi-Class BATHING RES0RT. MT 8 ci • acc mn . d tu»nf f r Lii. s i d Cui divo. W. S IAUTLETT. Pr j nct; r. i* « 1r m-c»r< pa'» t** pl» 1 * 006