Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Ode to the Tiser. [ARTICLE]
Ode to the Tiser.
yrko <M >* ,i * Urr * W«r» a*w«tta * ** *■*>** ' 4t.< uU» pUin*»: •# **•* T a* amM>-r&* * nra c«b« »ow WT» *•»« ra*» *** ,W ?** .. F.c«*o»n.* TJ» 0tĒxap*Wbo w*ct» isa» * * 3j ®‘ >r * " Wb,) u tbr BK>»J . - la *bcrt, »ba oe» r wooH b* mmmā Tbe ♦uffr^C-*s- — TrmtM. From The War. # LoQ<lon. Oct. 1- A Britīsh naval ol£cer *tt«chetl to tbe(_b:ne>e cuv.<l sqai lron wh:ch »as enpnge«l in tbelightotT the moatb of the Y*lu river. has writteu a letter to the Graph c. in whieh he gives :»dditional details of the hgbting. and savs: “On board
the v»ar ship Cben Yaen. tbe fighting w«s awfcl. The decks auJ space aroan 1 the gaus were Btrewn with Imnian fragiuents. Three of tho five men working a fonr-ton gan, were hlown up by a shell fo>m tbe J*panese war 8 hip. Tbe foartb ganner was shot while attempttng to escnpe from the turret. and tbe fifth stnck to his post Tliis manfired three ronuds at the Naniwa. one sbell entering tlie engine room of tbe Jap.inese ship and another 8mashiug her forebridge. The ; Naniwa then hauled otf. Tlie Cliinese Admiral rewarded the 8onriving ganner with a present of 1000 taels. “A sbe 11 glanced from the steel deok of the Chen Ynen and went throngh her tower. shattering eveything therein. Al eit‘nmt who was in th« nct of tlirongh the t ibe l<*nding to tlie eng'ne roora, was b!own to atoms, and his head w s left hsuging to tlie seaking pipe. Huge fragments of armor and the teak b «ckir.g tliereof were c irried on hoard by the sliot. crnshing a number of sail"rs into a shape leas mass A Enmpe.-m engineer, who w is groping about in un endeavor to repair a stemn pipe, was drenche<l fmm liead to foot with the blo -d <>f an as-;istniit, who was diserabowe!ed by his side by u shot from tlie enemy’s sh ; ps. The Clien Tnen nrrive<1 «1 Wei Hawei the d<y after tlie figlit in the same con<l tion wliieh slu* left the hattle N'o :ittcrapt has l.een tnade to wush th<’ b!o<><l from her or to renyive corpses whieh strew ed lier decks.” TIie writ<T H*presses the opinion that if tlie Enrope in in'ers con!d liave seen the Clien Ynen they wonhl have f<>resworn war lieneef irtli nnd forever