Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAULANE «v CO. DeaJrrs in Wine$ and SpiriU ( KuluiBtB!i Stiwt, Hoaololu, H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Grocebt. Fki:u SraKt: \ Baseky, Corner of Kin« nn i Fort Sts.. Honolaln •I. PilILL!FS PRACTICAL ILPMHEK. *>AS.FITTEB x>ppKR-sMrru. Hoase antl Ship JoI» Work Promptly Execated. No. 71 Kinp Street. Honolnl i. Dk. m.le\xan, K<>rt Stre*-t, n!» ve Uotel. Mutual TeJephi>n>' >»vj. f,ir olHee; 2S7 lbr re?idciice. jv2S KI3. C- ROAVE. Hou*f Siyh ond Oinnmenhil Pa inter . Mnnufacture of I. piid S!aliup. S2() King Strccl. iH’pl LEWI8 J. LRVEY. H«il Iist;ite anrl Oeneial A uctioneer. j Coraer v Fort aul Qneto (lonoinln Persoual atteutiou u ven to Sal£s of Furniture, R>-1 Estate. 8tock and Oonon 1 MercLnndise. \fatnal Trtenhon** FAT BOY.” B Y H0RSE 81L03N ! P. McINF.RKT, Prophiktor, Fine Liquars. Wines anri Beer. Cor.vkk Betuel avi. Hoticl Sts. Honolulu Carriage IV!anufactory \V. W. WRU;HT, Phophiktor, (Suoce--or to O. Wetl). » t ''aHKIAOE IU II.niN(. 1X1* KKPAIKINU. V/ All Ordcr» l'min thc (>i!mi in tlie i C»rriu}ji- HiiiMinsr. Triimuini nml Paintiag I.ine «ill Mit*( wiih Pr»mj>( Atu-ntion. I in VII Its Vari«ms Branches ; l)»ne. I’ O. Box S2l. N>>s. 1-S ami 130 | F»rt Stre> l. jyl» Iy - z W.S. LUCE Wi ne niul Si>irit Mercliant C<vnf-t>eU Fire-/>roof />V-*cl, MERCHANTST. HONnU LU. I 71 : R0TH TELK1‘ I0NKS:7I —C0NS0L1DATED—8UDA WATKR W0RKS t'0 (l.tMlTTEt>.) * LL persou» an* w*rueU u»t to j>ermit therr Hnima!» (» >'U the lauJs Knnewai a» i Kam iliUi, kl ‘iising the r«tersigtie»l ri>v j Jant«rs. AII aaim U» und on str»yit>g on the ri<x? LinU» »rill be ipoanded »r i. LENTaI wai sing kee. Hoaololn, Ang. 29 TSiH. >n< »-liud'.- ! )i Wo Wing Kee Co. NUl'ANU STBKET U-rs iu I. dics' A Llent- B >ot» aii>! Sh«w m !• 'i- «*. (•>* »rr !>*• Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “ AUSTHALIA.' . Aiiother It»voice of the orhi Kenowne*i FRE0ERICKSBU.1G UGER BEER * Oa Jraaght »nd bv the keg. Alao, ta & S{KvlaIty. Small Fresh C*ummA ŪYSTĒRS. : KOH COCKTAIL^ o»ayl 3uu>