Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — The Honolulu Dancer. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Honolulu Dancer.

Miss Stockmeypr createtl a new terpsicorian i‘le» t'a tt w tl b> 1 known to Aratrica hs tbe H moIulii d;ince It will bo a tbrragb noV'*ltv in tbe danciog line and a» beantifnl as uniq ,1 e. llie tirst balf of tbe ov >lntion!>are in Amer oan «ttire displaying tbe stars and stri|iC8. and a l ; giitnmg cb »nge is rnnde to a pictnre>q io Hnwaiiau ei stnrao in wliieli the dai;cer perforraes Drigiu.il steps to HuU rausc. It is prob.ible tbo l«dy will give us tbe pleaauw of wituessmg it b-*fore t ie dep u ture *)f tbe D iiley sCo up.iuy.