Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — The Term Closed. [ARTICLE]

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The Term Closed.

The n ct<<ber term of the Circmt Conrt held in Kohala. Hawaii l,j,s finishtd its work niul the d<fferent « llicials haVe rtturutd t<* town. A nnn.ber of c;*so- weie trie«l. The J *panese mnrderer from Kona w;ts fttuiul gn lty an«l aeutenred t««20ye.rs iinpris«.n ment. G «spanl who was acc «se«l *.f in-t g «t'iig tbe re«’ent ‘ c«.tf •«” b.«ttle w..s funnd gu;lty aiul sentenced to p»y a tine «f 0 An nppeal was noted Aiuong tbose who returned in the Haw«ii were Attorney General W. O. Smitb, P.«ul Nenmaun, C L C«rter, «»d Chester D*>yle. The Ashfonls did not return tb’.s noraing.