Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — A Good Opportunity. [ARTICLE]
A Good Opportunity.
lt is to be hopeil th*»t tlie trostees f>t llio I-nnililo Est:ite will use the present opportaniry of secoring the rasgmficent bust of King IjUmlilo now on exhibition nt the P;icific Hunlw ire Co’s st'>re. Jt is oue «f Allen Hutchigous fi iest works. the pro per plaee for it is st the Hoine erecte«l by th.tt truly popnlar king The bnst we on !erstrtiul is oow the property of Mr. J. F. Colburn, bnt we have uo donbt, th>it he won!d part with it if ihe <>bject was to plnee it in tbe Lnnalilo llome. Th ■» estite is very wertlthy nnd t!ie trustees eonUl oasilv aH'onl to buy it.