Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — SUICIDE. [ARTICLE]
4 Johs Spear Killa Himself A while «po reports from Hilo sUted that Jobn Spear. a wstchmaker residing in tbat town wis mi«sing eod a reward was offered for information in reg».rd to bis wbereabonts. For two days 1 »earcbw were made andthe rirers Jragged bat no sign of tue uissing man wasfoond. nO Wennesdav a nat-ve boat man foo J tbe body of John Spear in a grnve of gu tv\ bosbes in a golch ne«r Hilo. It was tben learned that the nnfortnnate m\n had committed snicide by sbooting Uimself tbroogh tbe beart Deatb mnst bave been instvutaneons Tbe deceased resided formerIy in Hnnolnln where be pnrsued bis trade «s practical jeweller and watchmaker. He w.is at one t:me a prominent meojber of Lodg- le Pr<‘gress auJ tiie masons in IIilo attended to bis faner*»l. Fin\neial tronbles were undonbte<l!y the caose of bis rarb act. An in qnest was held and a verd ct of suicide ren<lered l>v tbe corner - jory.