Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
V - l - ! - iV & V, /JLT 5r c iT’SATOSSUP 8oiuetiiuos where to j;o » , • : r . _ chase nny pnrticnlar arti'le. ■ not if yon happen to wmt nnvthing in the line of £rtists’ Picture p^:au: zz or enl«rge<l portraits, there is . bnt one plaee in Honolnln, to ■ pnrclmse nil materials hu<1 tlm: > KING Store, f<>r whu-U there is no rival on thcs<* Islands. The finest paintiugs in Haw;,ii, aro on exhibition iu this gallerr. The firm makes a specialtv of enl«rging portraits as well a> m«king picturo frarnes in tho very latest stvles of moaKliugs. In the sheot pictores. they , bave thonsands to select fiom of k whieh they invito au inspecti<>n at aoy tirae. K1NG HH()S-, Hotol Street, : : : H<»nolnIn nng 2i»-lmdiy. POliXD M,\STEK’S ! NOTI(’E. Notlco is hereby giv< n to all persons that tlu-re are nt tho Government Ponnd at Ma< ki. 1 cream mnre n>* hrand. 2 wlnte f**et on r ght si<le; 1 brow:i h r branded V B on r ghtbind liip, w hite 1 on back, 2 white l >pot on hip; 1 br<>wn tm<r ■ bra' led l on lelt liind h?p; 1 < he-t-nut ra;»re not brand; I br*wn m>ire aud 1 y*utng horī«e brm<l <i' Pb on neek; I bay horse brami <l AF «in hind hip. Aoy person or persons ownirg these horses. aro reqaestcl t> eome and t,«ke the samo on or before 12 o’eloek noon, Saturday, October 2'J, 1891. Wm Kaapa, P<mad Master. Makiki Oct 8. 1894. oct8 tfd. M. Moiikawa CITY SHOEINGSHOP BhTHKL STKEET, door to Bay Horse 8aloon. BLACKSMITH WORK AXD OAKKIAOE KEPALK N(f AT BEDROCK PR1CES Give me a eali and Jadge for yoorself. Oct. l2h-Im F. S.JWDUIi Co«nni*iii n t of Printo u l "»»r Di*ti c; ct Hon luia. XOTARY FL BU AG*Xr lo GRANT MA.iaUG£ UC -UV3£i. (Uw, JUo ikmaui aunwi. wv% W