Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — CORRESPONDENGE [ARTICLE]
pr, < o mo* ho5d aam'.nm r*apo tor tba opioiooa or at oai com«poo4rau.] Editob Holomua: May 1, tbroogb yoor eolam&a eall tbe atteatioo of tbe maoagement of tbe Tramwny Co., tbat it would be wise to establisbed a raie tbat small children sballnoi be allowed to drive on the platforms of tbe cazj- I bave several time noticed the recklessnesa witb wbicb cert«in small boys -U:id on the step« of tbe car and amase themsefvea by jamping otf and on. Someday an accident will happen and the Tramway Co.,will be blamed aa usually. I saw tbis mornmga small perbaps six ye«rs old boy performing tbe desciibed acrob itic act several time narrowly escaping a fall aud finally wben he reacbed tbe PuumHoo Preparatory Scbool jampiug ofi' ngbt in front of a back coming from tbe opposite direction and only tbrougb tbe haek drirer immediately pulling up tbe littla fellow woaid bave been trampled on and ran over. Let tbe cbildren stand up or sit down inside tbe car. It is too late to ciose tbe stible wben tbe borse is stolen. Pas.se.voer.