Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A POOR POLICY. [ARTICLE]
— Amonp the who have regietervd for Ihe eominp eleetion is r laipe namber of m- n whose heart and soal bel rg to •‘as” bat who for the *<ike of ••bre«d and batter” have considered it necos«uiiy to join at least apparently tbe rnnks of the repohlie. We anderstand, that many of them have decided togo j to the b«llot box and ca.«t their j ballots blank. What they ean pain thereby wo (atl to see. We believe that a very lsrge namber of those who did not re- j gister regret tbeir f»olicy today and feel d!Ssatisfied by having '•locked” themselves ont. Those who did go in should not throw away their chances but they should po liko honesl men to the bu!Iot box nnd vote for the best meu. Their nnraber will corry the day and it will be f«»r the benefil of Huwaii nei. Bnt the Americaa League ticket is not the ripht one nnd it sliould bk’ defeated. Stand topether ai/i the missionar es will full.