Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
00NSAIiV3 AHwmr» ow H*ad » a v> . of th< Vprr Best Pioneer Soap I«C-hm oMl,. IJ. 5>. 1) *i i ;> 3 nns MUP IS THF. Finsst īmportsi Hs:e. 9PECIAL PRICES FOR C - > 1N LOT? APfi i l'H) S Celebrated Brands of SC0Tl’H WHISlvKl X»mtly: BE\ ALDOCHLAX. Ainsley’s 0LD BIended GIenlivct GLE ,N 10N Extra. Sp,, : ,a 6LENLI0N SPECIAl LIOIEIK SC0TCH WhlSkEY lr» Mvt kE Ti Eyc., Corncr an<t AUkru Sir •« famrinos Kefrimtors By Eveir Suam»T from S*a Fr»nci*co, with Fresh Fruit, Oysiers, Selmon, Pou/iry, Etc.] Etc., Etc., Etc. sept 6, IW-i/. MACHINE MADE POI! FACTOBY, : : KAMHI. Taro Planle, Fre3h T<>l9 and Ka* Taro at all times. Ring Up Mulual Telephnne -">77. BeII 345. W. L. WILCOX. jy25 Manager. CITY DRAYAOE C0. Stand: Q'iren and Fnrt Ptr.»°ts. Whit*« iD«i S>nd. Draying D»>ne at Rea9»»nHbIe K itr-. W. F. 8HARRETT. i SALE A Complete Hunting Outfit. One Irigh S tter b tch nf t e beat bto<xi m A*ncr»c«; reg Tter<-«.1 »n the A. K. S. B. «nd j> rtly brokeo. One Fointer b tch bv the ce ebr»bd G!enbd gh thit c st $I0'.'0 m Ei>gl«nd. Oue Fup five weeka o!d fjther •od aiothe* > th«>ruognbreed9. Oue Bickboird hiiUeapeeial-'. 7 fnr bautmg pu^pone». One 12 g«oge L. C S n th goo m g «>d ma uea nnd m fiu- «»rder. Tn« »b»>ve «>utfit wiil be ao.d cbeap Knqatre of W. H. OUNNINOHAM, Ancbor Saloon. »epl9 tf Wanted. TWO U*>farnishe<l Honsas of bto 8 ROOMS eaeh. £uquiro of /03 Fort Streot. * ,vet»