Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

IHie liolomua €alntdar. QCT. 17. 1894. rrwtn ir port. Jf*V*L VBSCU>. H B M S Ffv*cinth. M*y, E*qainualt, B'JC. XFJtTH*?tniC(. 1 Fk kitn»rn. Rrown, Ncwc»*Ue. N 8 W. Am hk W H T»imond. Nilaon. 8 F. S ix>ner Aloh», ''ahel, S»n Francisco. I ( S : O M Ke'loi e. Ivansen, Crar> /7arMr. ; * O 8. Hood>ette, SF. X: hk Oskl nd.Seatfe.

FOBtlC* Vnirtt« EXPE( TED. S. '.r R*>Wrl I>(-w*-rs . I.av«Hn Id Dne P M S S I ity of Peking. Vokoh-irna. .Oct 9 Hk'.ni Planter L«y<Mn I<1....Ort 5 \!ii Al'oe C<x»k.. I*t Town(«en<]Cct 12 Aio l'kt K ! ... .Pt T(jwnsend .O»"! 20 Ar:i Kk Hrin<)re \ewom«Ue... .Oct 20 0N<Tnr Forest ..Newc«etle “ct 2o lUrk Ponlenlieek.. .LiTerpooI Oct 30 Am *ckr 1.vj ,.Kareka <Vt 31 H » l k Mi»ona A*a Neweaōlle.. Xov 1S A'!! *<*hr I' ritan . No«castle...Nov 30 ,\..r «hip <»l«nivor. Xewca«Ue...Nor .30 Grr l*k 1’ho! l«enlx-rK.. Hremen.... Dcc 10 >hi|< H F Cl*de l->rerpool....Jan 30 EOKEie» nm SEKVICE. *liij*e will leave for an<l arr’re tr> m San Francieoo nnd other foreign j. rt'. on or nl>ont the following <lates, liil the close of ls94. I nvt Ho»oi.rLC Dn at noxoLCLC I n R San Francirco. Fm. 8an Francisto ' oi Vakcocvek. ob Vancocver. I Peking Oot 9 An«tralia Oct. 6 An-tnh« Oct. 13 An»wa Oct. 24 1 \Umeda Oct. 18 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Mu>wera Nov I AnM*ralia.....Sor. 3 An-tn»Iia ...\or. IOChina Xov 12 Mari(><>sA Nor. 15 Alan'eda Nor. 22 Oeean e N»v 19 M owen» Nov 24 ArxwR Dec. 1 'n.imlia Poe. 1 Aahlmlia..,. Dec. 8 Oeennie Decll Mi. wh» ... ,Dec. '3 MHnpoia... ,Dec. 20 Miotrera.... Dec. 31 Amwa Dec. 24 China D<*c 31 Auatmlia....Dec. 29

T!io l'anlhoon Sal<«on ie the (1**! ot for c*?I' br tcd Enteri ri<eB-H'r, where it ean «lwaya be found e >oI and fnsh on tap. W’e do n<>t de«l in ‘Fr»derick9bnrg Beer” as the morning P«per—thr>ngh so ;.e raist.-ike has adverti«id. C ill nt the Pantheon f>r r- fres' »ng ilrink. JIM D>1 D. Proprietor. * T.-dk abont braying ussea. The t<nruis fnll of tliem McBrayer’8 wbiskoy '8 on!y to be found at the Eiupiro SaIoon. Aud when it’s funnd it sluys. * I n Bo(]na of il.eEmpireS»iloon has niiiilo a new deal wliieh will touch tho hearts, or at least tho I Hlates of nian_v a thirsty wander cr. Ho keops •‘half-and-half” on dr«ug?it and servea a most de licions and eool boverage, far suporior to “plain” beor. se 17 tf J. J Williama tbo well-known Arlistic rhotographer is making a specialty of portruits on Watch Di..ls aud Silk H.»ndkerchief8. (.’oraplote sets of Lantorn slides lectures eau be had at the gallery. For lhey aro sold at a ren8onnblo figuro by the dozon or by the hnmiml. *

\VANTED. Ho<»! kt*ej>er r>r norse by ' x •erienced uurse just from tlitr.S. will lenve tht* lslaiui t »ni!rse. Inq« re »t UviLoMUA OPKleK. oo l S St*d Danciog Sohool. The cniU’r»igne * h.is jpene<l a snbool 'or t e dr>tr.ng t • l<Htru how lo Dasc*. I.e»- » *v» wiil bc gtvt n a( the old Armory ou B e «u • Stnet every Tuf*<h«y. Thur»dHy S .iur\hiT uicLts t «iumng «l f-M ' ct. Hth." l'EIEK MeKINNUN Ilaniwai BathHause X »e c< d r* g e 1 hnvii’g l easpi> ih« m-«ii << w. IlaN waI B(TB to S£ «t Wui .iwi. b. g» tu n f ru. V u thut it wII l>« run »» • Str c//y Firsf*Cf3SS BATHING RES0RT. Pr 8 .i . ee m dt -f p 8 d idr ■ W.S iAKILETT. l J r r*ei»*r. **• m-cirt pa a t-e P 1- ‘ 0 '* *“ \4o ”