Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFABLANE A 00. Dealer$ in īf r ines and Spiriti Kuhamiiin c ;reet, Honolnlū. H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., i Grocebt, Feed Store <fc Baeert. Comer of King «n<l Fort Sts.. Honolnln J. PHILL1P8. PR \CTICAL PLUMKEE. O.W.PIHEK X)PPERSMITH, Honae and Ship Job Work Promptly Eiecuted. No. 71 King Street. Honolali. Dk. MeLENNAN, Kort Stre«t, al>ove Hoiel. Mnlnal TViephone H>2. f»r oiliee; 287 lbr reAidence. Īv28 ED. C- ROW E. Hovse Sign and Oinameniaī Painfer. Manuf:«cture of Liquid S!atmg. 620 King Streel. , angl LEWIS J. LEVEY. Real Estate and Heneial Auctioneer. Qoruer,Fort aud Quecn Street* Plonolnln Personal g>ven to Sules of Furnilure, Real Estate, Stock and Oenen'l MercLanclise. Untna1 Tfleohone 2.'tS FAT B0Y.” SAL09N ! P. McIJfERNY, Froprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoRNKR BETUEL AXD HoTEL SlS. Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT, Phopiueiou, {8uccessor t8 0. West). PARRIAGE Bl’ILDING anp UEPAIRING. V All Ordcr» froin ihe Othcr niands in The Carriuge Building, Trirninin» and Painting Line »111 Mect with Pmnipi Attcntiou. Blacksmilhiiwr in All Its Variuu* Branchc» Doue. P. O. Bos 321. Noa. k» and 130 Fort 8trcct. j5“ 10 Iy W. S.LUCE Wine and SL>irit Merchant (''‘imphell FiiY-proof Uloek, \fRRflHANTST. RO\nl,!I[.n, 71 : B0TH TELEP'iONKS : 71 —C0N SOLIDAT KD—-SUDA-WATF.RWORKS-: 00. (i.wmEn.) # \OTI(L [, pcrson* are w»rne<t uot lo pennil tbeir «nim«!s to hre*sjwuw on the Unds *oewai «ud Knm il.ili, i>elongin« tbe ersigued ric* planWw. A1il »mm d> id on stn«yiug on the nee Uuds wsu t>e >nnded or shot. LENTaI wai sing kee. onolnln. Ang. 29 189*. »n S » lmd» r TofWoWing Kee Co. M NUl’ANl’ STREET nealew in Li«l«e®’ & G®nte’ *nd Sho«« n»»de t« onler. 1»< Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Auother Iuvoice of the \N orld Renowned FREOERICKSBU.IG LAGEB BEER Ou draught »nd by tbe keg. Alao, as a Specialty. S\tALL FHtSHCAUmN!f 0YSTERS.