Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H*w*u hOLOMU^, rs PrBLWHED Kverv A_fternoon FICEPT fSHVDAT BT THl Halomua Publishing Co. Vt King St (Thomas block), Houo'ulu, H. I. ■';3SCHr?TI0N. perMeath, 50 Cts. put.-r u <teiir«.red by C*rrien in the , ; i-nborb». Single Oopie* f S»le 4I . \<rws I>ealen »nd »t tLe OfBoe of pni lic«tion. Eū VJND NORR!E. ■ • Editor p' M. ROONEY. - - Manager NOTICE. ,11 15n«n«w Conmiunication* ebonld be ‘rr>s«e<l to P. M. BOONEY, HonoInin, H. I. , < vrrespouaence «nd OonnnnmoaUonu tor r.n .lieaUou »bould be «ddrwwed to the K«iitor 1 {itw.ni Holomua. So noiioe will be paid . U y anoujtnouH coiuinunications. Business Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD. Attomey nud Counselor at Law, Ollict, bito of the 01J Bethel—\Vet«t Corner of King anJ Bethel S»reets- jy 21 A. P. PETEKSON. ATTOIlNEY AT LAW. >ffloe; 113 Kaahuinanu «*Jpeet, Uonolulu Hawaiiau lslands. CHARLES CRE1GHT0N.| ATTOKNET AT LAW. Ottee; 113 Kaahnmanu Stroet, Honolnln Ilawaiiau Islauds. , PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at law. 314 Morchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. . i CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOBNET AND CODN8ELLOB AT LAW. Offlce. Old CapiU»l Ilnilding. (Honolnln Uule), a<tjoiuing Po»t Offioe, Honolnlu.' A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahomanu St., Honoluln, Hawaiian IalanJa. U. F. BERTELMANN, CONTKACTOB AND BDILDEK, 8(» King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. RF.DWARD. OONTKA<rrOR and BDII n El\, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian IslanJs. Wm. FOSTKR. ATORNKY AT-i-VW. 42 Merchaut Street. Oct lltb. A. G CORKE.\, wattobney at law.jb 307 Mnohani Sttvet, Uonolulu. jy2j ___ Fernandes & Gomes WHOLK&ALK California Winea and Sp!rits, N<\ 502 Fort St.. H »noluhi, H. I. 'P 0. Box 436, Mutu*l Tde. 140. coMPAsr. S3’> Both T>;lepHonks 335 H Stand. Corner Kiog and Miunakea SiroeU. Haek» »t A1 Haun?. II 24 SAM TEE HOP. No. 652 King Street, Uo»ler ii C lUomia anJ Hawaiien l*roiti and Veget.blea. Jolly To* uul UlouahI OuSe&, 0*8**« - JpP