Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — This Time He Goes! [ARTICLE]

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This Time He Goes!

Mr. <J. TV. Luniug tbo per-hiipa-kiiowo collector le;ives tomorrow—suro I Tbe verv niee tlnnga tlmt euulel he said nbout liim are reservecl until he is be I yoncl tbo jurisdiction of tbe poliee court. He w11 return in four weeks. aml ilr. Crabbe will j «lo tbe * biir act daring bis ihsence. Our departiug fr end may look up a f. w “niissing” j oit z*ns while be is iu Fran- ' cisco. Fair waminw is Lorebv • 0 v I -tiven. AIepbisto H• 11 tt e >uteinplates Hf«rtiiig h pnaluee siore witb liis j one egg fro*i H.ules.