Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Peeping Tom. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Peeping Tom.

(!) Br«ut!er, who » Ri<joA ’-eit to tbi» t);»er> Hoo*e in •ocord tm t-> Mr L^v-y’s »U>*-n»*-ats. a fircr-te pjtruoiz-r t f *rt—on * ebeap «c-»!o He s*»etns L»tely to btire monopoluurd n wmiow f«cing his vnrd aod tbroogh «bich he could obUin a g*xxl view of the stsge. Manager Lerey got ratber tired of bis manwhi goest and throogb tbe assist*oce of a p >lice officer succee<led in disIodgiog the profes , »or from tbe window. Neit time be comes aroond the bose will be played on the peeping Tom. and he wiil fiud bimself very j naoeh in the cold—and wet ln *‘Black Fhig.” Mr. Hallett has another comedy jew—Lazaros who is full of homor.