Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! I The tu^ury ! 0F THE 19th Century — i A M>»terious Tale. Did »a.Tbodr er*r h«aw how the haama fir«t snjwn. i How thc miik pot in the eoeoanul; when ro*nso «eed w»s sown; From whenee ihe n»iives c»mc to people thls f»ir hind, And when ther died. where lbty *11 went. the bappy dnskr b«nd? Thcse facts are »!1 tnrstenons, and no »olntion (tet, • And therv’s other rnrsteries qnite «s deep whieh are not fstbomed ret; Who wa» it ran the opinm ’ring. got la the Hqnor free. How was it Cnstoms men wete blind, detectir,s coald'nt see? i Who*e eoini to be the Tsmmanr King of this most pious town, Who'll start the Show, to whom shall we all 1 plank the ‘•ne.-dfai'' down; Wbo will be Boss. and ran the firm, who w ill the Buchley be, Tc do it on the Frlsco plaa of the Great Republic free? One thins we know that BAILEY'S BEDS are made of WOVEN WIRE. Ther uive us comfort, peaee and re*t. and are all that we desire; He takes no pai t in po!itics, but docs Ihe bcst he ean. To please his friends, and show that he’s the WOVEN WIKE MAN 1 W0VEN W/RE BA/LEY, Manufacturer 0f W0VEN w/RE Beds, Street. Honoli-lii, (i-e.xt door t > liom’a Steam Bakery.) Sald by All RsspECta'^le DsalErs. Hng 14-1 m TUTI REMED1ES. WII. I, CI'RE Consuniptlon, KheumnUam, C«tmrh, Croup. «11 Sk-nds-«ses. Fema:eCouipl iuts, «nd Pl!es 1 - the worst fonn. Ho|«.»s «re eutert«ined th«t it wlll cnre Le- n*y. They re Ve-jotable Kemedlea «i.-t r«n bo nsed bv the ui.-»x dellc«te «nd Ihe roniiRest ehi’.d. Fr ro» wUhln the re 'Ch of n'.L fcy 71 r*. C. Q. <; >llu\va>, IIHI KIiiī >trrrl, W»y Blo<'k. u..der ,-i..rmonr </.»11, //..uolulu
CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf & C'».. hns rpmoved t a Ar lingt >n Bl"ck Uotel Street. where they will be better nble to servr .\mi j»Ie;tse their P;itrons. VVi11 keep on hand all the latest |*npers. B »ok Stnt»onery. Peri"dic i’p N'oveltie9, in all br.tnches of the trade. se 14 tf Per S.S. AUSTRALIA frotn the Coast CAMARIN03 « Refrigerator Contain a Full Supply of Ice House, such us Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Cauliflower Celen’. Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Aprlcots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, Germaa Pruncs Crawford Peaeheā, Silver Prunes R *se Peru Grapes, Burtlett Pears, Siklc Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. Alutual Tel. 878 lt SOTlCE. D Ho«»rd HUeheoek h h reopeoeil his io dnt«iog «od psioting «t iiis Class Roocd oh Hotel SL C1«hs iustroctiOt>8 giren every \Veduesd.-»y «ud Saturd«y frum 8 p. ».7Vo lī P. JL AppKc«t ou for tbe ioll U>rm abuttidiw i— 40 •( odo». 1«