Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A »T1( E. r>nritiR mr *b-enc» froui *he Vk Horack Q. CkABBE is <Inlr >intho:izf 1 to rvoe re nnil rvct-ipt f-r «11 mon-e? dne and o«iug t» lue J. \V. I.UNINO, «t n r . Sice nnt i Noremt»«f t3nl, ISi*4, at wLkĪi iL»ie I will persou.ill v ntteud. J. W. I.UNINO. oct I7th Im KAMEHAMEHA< GIRLS SCHOOL. The fir»t tcrm of Kamehameh» Giris Schv<> >1 »i!l o «3 Vod(1ht Not-ember Sth. A|»pUe«ti »ns for «.lun aiou m »_r be « bf e-s-**I fe> Mīss l’ope e:th r «t k.irneh<meh« M iDu I or Um r jpe, w U be iu the - ii«n Kin J ei--gmrttn Koom. Qne* i Kwmi Ha 1. S«cnrd <y mon:ings frv»m 9-12 wuere she wiU be plriisea to uieel p.4iotnt-. Ihe tnitk>n » tiftr l»»lUr» * r»ear. No «pplicants receire.{ nr 5er li r.ar« of »ge. Ort. II-Im L'HOS. LINUSAY Mer» baiit Slr»d ii.uioluiu Xew Store, new Jewehy Gohl. Silver and Dianu>nds . Jewe ? ry M«nufadure order. W«tches c esued aud re{>aired, in end »nspect To Lot or Lease, A UOCSK o« King *trvT», next U> T K. Wmlker* pnai*.*, eu«liiuiK parior. u* nlua nwa, i«d three Wn>uas h» U* kilelKW. tetbrooa». «t*U» *aj «U *iwra ewawakoea*, Imlaii oo a piwl Mr. Dvui*oa. Artee»a w*ur Uh!, rvut muUe- le to ne poa«Uf p*rtj. Aadr»« AiUUHAM rcRh a Ki>g7.