Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
S-p.tember 1". 1394 If we reraember c*»rreclly the ' “C irle>t u” wīs tbefirstof th** ‘•Whne Sqa dr n ' t » vis*t Honolula. # Her »rriv:il on her aeeomi i cm’se is st ’11 in the rainda of : eo: ie who vTere bere on J;uunry '29, 1891. When with at hilfm:īst «nd y »rds cock-baiit she e dered j»ort with the body «f Iving K <!akau«, the kind nttentioi.s shonn by the oflBcers to tbf King dur * g the voyage to the United Stites nnd the, a'raost sacrad mmn>r in whioh the b'»dv "»s gnarded whde being borne to the Is ands, eudeared the “Charleston” to the peoole of Ha« aii. As mueh as it was in the pow* r of the people. t„eir a[>: reciation w>s shown to the
officers dnring their stiv aml when sji leil they left graven on t b!ets of love ai d mnnw, eviilences of their Aloha f>r H;«wa i. Few, if anv. of the who were here then are on the vt>ssi l now; some have reached the nge of retirera a nt and others have g<me to oth r vessols bnt the Charleston is strll greon in the beait of tho Hawaiiana. Have you ever nsed a Pansy St ve? We have beeu selling tliem for f<>ur or five ye«rs and to day they wear the C<>.it” in the erapire of stoves. They are recognized by ev*rv one. eveu dealera in other stoves, as a anpenor art c!e acd one whieh thev do aot e «re to run up u«iainst. 0f conrse st <ves raav n • be bonght frora people who are nut <lealers. We have people nmning hero every dny or two for fiie br cks and parls belonging to stoves they have bonght fiaiin other parlies, and wheu Tiiey fi<id they cannot get Uieia thev discard their stoves and bny a “Pansy ” Yo i see there is a disul\antage in bnying dear things at l»w pr:ces. C<>me 10 ns ur»d get a !’ansy at ?lō 00 and yoa get full valne for your inoney. You don’t gct a £75.00 range lor fif f sen dollars, mind voi, but \ou get i first class stovo that is worth Thirty dollars to any ono Onr Re»«dy Mited Paints are
s ittnl to tlie w;iois of neople who 1imv- a litt!e |ia<nting they waot to do thomselves. The advant* age in l»oyiug u prep*red paint is that yon havo the benefit of the best ioixers in the United St tes witiiOat having to pny for it. The pnint is ready for nse direcjly you take the top otf the C;in u td if yon don’t fiud it eheap er and better than auy yoncin mix vm self we *re mistaken in oir experience In C tlifornia the i-ainters are ns np the pr-pared article in preferei>ce to bnying lea>l «ud oils bec>nse they find it to ti»eir advantage tjdo so UV bel eve it is only a q ;estion of time when the painters hore will fall into iine.
Hanging lamps are in as grext demand now as ever. People seem to w nt somithing for bghting porpuses th.<t wiil give as good light as the sao—tney fi d it in the la»o| s «e are givmg a- « y. Our eheip stand Iamps are an excellent thing f<»r a servaots room aiul wiil find a ready s »le in the lsla >d st«»res. We ean supply any dem»ud for a single laiup or fur a thonsand.
T ere’s l<'ts of H.iwai ans \vuose Kuleanaa ueeil fenctng «nd we have the w re witb whieh t * do it. We haveaIso the raaterinl for k i!(ling a fenee that wiil inst until lo g «fter the milemam. Inste«d of paytcg a hig ; prio-* for posts. oreven getting thetn for tLe catting. yonr fence wtli cost yon lei»s m nev if you bay steel st iys and «nsbers nud m >ke a Joues Loc>ed feuce.
We h ive ev€rytni 'g yoa w«at in tbe hurdware »nd hoose fnrn.>umg guods Ime yoa wish. Ai‘d we court iuvestigatton a> |o 1 tueir qaultty aud pneea. fy Eawauā Har&vare Cs. #07 Fati8tn*