Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — AMERICA'S NAVY. [ARTICLE]

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Itis ioteresting to notice tbe cb.>rges iuade in iuauy Atuerican j.iiirnal* Ngainst tbe N«vy d*-p«rt-meut of tbe Uuited Sutes. Wiieuever tbe jiugoes mtke tbe wings of Uie Aroerican eagle creek tbey sbould remetuber tbat tbeir own joarn<iseonderon tbe iinplemenU of wur built by tbe '*patiioU'* of tod«y. Tbis ia wbat tbe IU. Atnerica nasys about the new war «hip tbe -Wossuc/«waefta: C«rtaioly co one ean cb«rge tbe abipbnildera wbo at praeeot bave tbe **rnn * oi tbiags in tbe Navy DepartmeQt witb b«ing !»»gg«rd io filling tbeir oontracta. Tbey keep right ou toroiug oot ahipa iike tbe /««m and tbe Mas—qnite unrnffled by irtefrj*gab!e cb j rges uf iotieu armor plates. faulty aruiNroeut and gross biundets in tbe e&seotial deUils of con&tractioa. Appareutly, ali tbat tb« sbipInuiUon ia tb« uiUuvar-

g«nt priz9 raoney th.»t t’ue »;mTuent wīth ao ig-o~ r>»nt ivcklr«snrss tliat <t.iokiug | th? nar> witb »n «iliiliwWe C’»l } • • 4cpt »n of /ā.. ,% m ’ . %• » •« • intt*l nf i jrra u aie w.tr>. ;; * * • » • • • We hnve in'»;«teatiy prote*te.i ngiinst the fttnpid extr.»vj»p»nce of the X;*vy Departoient iu thi-* matter.bat tbe pig be* ;ed ob:?tinacy th «t eh ir.»ct t z.*s c*-rt iin featnres of the Aim n -tr «ti *ii f-»rbid the hoj»e of an\ reforia in tbe idiotic po!icy that p«*ars nne»rned mibions into ;he poekets of men # \\uo &eem to be ei»joying ndvantages and privi leges 1 1 ke th<»se tbat enriched their Repnblicaa predr*ce?S‘»r> iu tbe basiness. Tbe M'•ehi'+ell* is a steel ship of 10 231 tons disph»ce.nent aml 9.000 horse power. Her anu i ment consists of fmr 13 inoh, eight toar 6-ineh breechl<»ading r tles; sixteen 6 poanders foar l-pounder qnict firing gnns; four Maiim gous.