Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Faast tonigbt. Tue Kioaa left thw aUemoon. J. Emmelnh wili be in tbe coming senate. Mr. and Mrs. Hires will leave in the Monowai. The Schnetzen Clab will meet tonigbt at the usail plaee. B.»llots for tbe eleelion on Hawaii were sbipped in the Kinan. A coosiderable portion of the G. N. Wilcox cargo has been saved. A nniuber of passengers havu boen buoked to leave iu the Ala jneda. The old “sport” hasu’t got married yet to any of tbe “lassies.” A new school has been > pened “Half whites” will nol he abused there. Cecil Br»wn is *he most popu!ar caudidate for legislativc liouors. The election for senators and representatives will t.ike plaee on tbe 29th iust. M»ro e!ectrie il effects nre bciug plnced »n tbe Open Hoiise stigo by maiMger D uiey. The latter li.tif ot tbe D.nley se.is»i) will corapriso a host of verv popnlar productions. J. I. D»wselt has b«en appoiuted gnardinn of Thelraa K P >rk-r und liiis filed a bond for Tlie r< Aeeliona on Mr. Plemtno>- in yesterday’s A'h'- ī'Hstr w>*re higlily iioproper nnd uncalied for. TheStr;inss concert nt Emma Sqn<r© was well attended, nnd Pr»fessor Berg*rdid liou»rtotbe groat comp»ser. There is an independent ticket in the tield. The tliirl ward evid«ntly taoght our republic;in friends a less»u wheu it eleoted A. O. M. Robertson.
Havey»u seeii Sher wo ><l’s ncw baihing »o ts? Aiy gir! wenni'g <>ne is fit t» k l! L»ng 13r iuel* is n>w (he r> 5 s »rt ;»t Waikiki. Nob dy ftints there. * “Charley’a Aunt’ wi!l bo re peated. The mauy people who mi>sed tho uiglit i>f fa» ahonhl get to the front quick»y and t.*k«* tboir tickets at Levey s olUee. lf the slips «>f Japanese chestnuts s«ut to Iho govermnent m the C ty »f Peki»g will gr»w,j lhere aro piiwp**cts of a u»*>st deliciuns fiuit f»r Haw.iii-nei Mr. Meie r who is t!io offici.il agent of tbe Bntisli gover«imeut iii its eihle trniisicli«»iH "ith Haw iii will lo.we m theAl imed » Mr. Fleining wlit» is |*ersou <1> mterested m tlio soheine will de|tiuk iu tho s;»mo b»at. The f»llt>wing pe»(*le are b >»k *d t» le.»ve forlUoCtMst»nth ■ A « ,nedi uexiThursd*y: M<s> He en D.cks<»u. J F. H.ickfe!d. A. 11» Gruottei, J • W»lkt»ws-i. S mf»r<l Fioaimg. Mr. Mercer. Mr. aml r Mrs. bkee . W. A W.»ituey. Jo-eph Halph «nd A- L.nd a trm«».
Arter haviug »buse»l 1 iu MR Uiuel» «*s |**ssil>:o. the A iuow j»rints «t p»ctare • t th -t liuly. Hiul tel s >t* re.iaers «11 :ibout Ihe clotues she \»ore ut ber WenUIĪ' g Uisto be hO[>ea th-.t , | the U»‘r U»urist does uot j j i UieneuUl c»i«*cttir8of H«»uoIu!u| people fro.«i tbe uubeci»»ties » I t.»e AdvetiiMr uk»U- —