Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
>- V > '■ )»>*»; r 4 £ r V*? c c 5«pvn{<«T irSATOSSUP Soraetiroes whero to po to pnrclinse »ny pnrticnlur «rthle. *>nt not if yon linppen to wsnt Hnytbing in tho line of .3rtlsts' Supplies, Picture Frar:e3 or enlnrged portraits. tboro is bnt one plaee in Honoluln, to ; pnrclmseail materials. and that's KING BROS. St : • f r «bioh there is no rival on theso Islands. The finest paintings in Huwaii, aro on l>ibition iu this gallery. The firm makes n specialty of enlarging portraits as well aa making picturo frames in the very lutest styles of mouldiugs. In tbe sheet picturos. they have thonsands to select froni of whieh they invite au inspection at auy time. 1CIXG BROS-, Hotel Street, : : ; H.molula ang. 2o-lmdly. POUND MASTEirS N()TI('E. Xotico is bereby giv*n to all persons that tlu-re are : t the Gi»v«ruraent Poand >tt Maniki, 1 cream m«re n » br«n<l. 2 \vtnte f-et on r ght si»le; 1 brown h rbr«nded VR on r ght bind hīp, while 1 on back. while ►pot on hip; 1 br>»wn brariied V on Ieit hind h»p; 1 che.-t-nnt in:»r* nol br »i.d; 1 hr *n uuire «nd 1 y<»nng lu*rso br n»i ds PR on neek; 1 bay horse bra i i AF • n bind hip. Any person or persons ow: irg these horses. :»r« reqoested to eome and t)»ke the sarne on or before 12 »>’clock noon, Satu»day, October 2'J, 1894. Wm. Kaapa, Pt»und M ast«r. Makiki Oct 8. 1894. oct8 tf»l M. Monkawa CITY SHOEiNGSHOP BhTHEL STBEET, X»xt door to B y Hcrse Saloon. BLACKSMITH WOIIK A>D CARKIVGE REPAIR S0 AT BED BOG K P1UCES Gire me a eall and Jcdge ior yonreelf. Oct. 12 h-!m W anted. TWO U >furuisl ed Honses of to 8 ROOMS eaeh. Euqu re ot /03 Fort Stroot t