Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Malodorous Comparisons. [ARTICLE]
Malodorous Comparisons.
— Dr. Parkharst retnrr.s to New Y rk from his fcrv'jzn \ c.t nlle.l wil'u nn;ate.l nn : =i>t tbe orgAnize*l in>titr.t;■ n- f « ■■ metropolis. He <lwe!!s wit! spccial emphasis npon : . ■ faet that fce siw in noee ? the r citv ti|»sy rerellersleir.iEg 'g laui}»-p« .-‘a In fict. ,> j;-i - . gnest. the rtveread ref rm ; r s :w notliing but g oJ.>nDr g/.c. sness Niul «monity in tb. mg ty shambles of p.»vertv, s:u ui. i ni.— speakabb uess---L n.loh. P-r B«:rliu. • Tbis is, in a c< rti . >fens-, it slioolil be; bnt it is a <lec. }■: b isis forcritic sm i»s a fe\« < ; g n'ficvnt fignfps will viv lfy - For exam}*!e. tbo st »t;~ ;cs < : ■ > ve«r show tfc it neariy one bii n tl-.ree bnmlied million galS->ns of beer «re cous«med iu G*-rmsiny - or wieliin h fr.tctn n < f f :t gi!lons a bea*i! In (lre t Brita:n 1 ne.irly one hillion tw fcandrei] | miilion gall.ms of bour. to s..> notbing of an equil amo".ut i alehohul in otber f uuis. Austn and Fiance cousnme less tii .n balf tliis moustr»)Uss>'.ni, but stil keep fairly iu proporti >u p. i capita Tho whole workl eonsnmed seven b:llions aud a qoarter of bcer. of wliieh Enrope dr «nk mneh more tban two-thirds. Tliis would setm to prove tii it in tlie m ttter of drink this eoan- ! trv eun show a cleaner sheet th »n tbose tliat liave impresstd Dr. Parkburst so profonndly 13ut snperficial ob>ervation eunnot aloue bo depended upon to fonn « bas:s for jndgment. Anyone who Knows «nything ( f LonI d&lS(Or Paris or Berlin knows j tbat t&b»crune and pr< tlig cy «>f | tbese cities make New \*<>i k « | very Zion of rigbteousuess in comparison. After midnig’ t eeilain LonJ>>n quarters are snc:i ! scenes of dnmkuess «r.d dēb t icbcry as were uever dre.nniil onlside « eapilal t«kt> u by stwm and delivered ovor to a n: ddened soldier. Nor wonkl a c!ergyn. n be selected as liie mos: observunt judge of tlie ditibren(iati n- of crime aud debauchtry iu grent cities. : Dr 1 P..rH>»>7‘ y 1U ‘ ment.il m arousmgpuliiie eom to tho miscond«ct cf civic ad minislratiun. Ju Ihe reaction thus brougiit about, t!:e j. itic> of tho Stato were revoIutioui/ d Iast year and t!io L« gis!ature und Constitational Conve:di< 11 ei - tru>te>l to ageucies cb aged t>> «mend existing m«lpr:ictices. Tlio res«lt bas not bee 1 « . a nature to enconr.ige the si: e« re. Tbe uiajoritv li«vo not for a moment regarded tiieir inanh.iie. Partisanslup of tiie inost ic >, >u’s'v t form bas held t!ie day. T!.e very abnses denounce«l by 11.0 )>#D()lo liave practiced by the ref.»rmers in legisl«tiou, «nd ; i«y 1 «n apportionment more radiciiiv ! conteniptnous of law a d 1 gi.( tban auy ever ventured hy t «• overlnrued m«e!iino.is tbe r >u!t of tbe constitutionnl disc«ssions.
AIl tbis proves tbnt pnrtus mnst be rcf<>tmed wil'.iu t *.■ ir own lines. The voter bas tbis alwnys in tbe power. I «houlU ruU; noi 1hf mi»orities of j 9dfstek ngfictions. Pub icopirioa is amplv strong to ccforoe tix; se!ection of fit men and tbe rig> rous application ot sonnd Iaws. III. Am^ienu,