Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 ʻOkakopa 1894 — AN INDEPENDENT TICKER. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbe n'>minati.igconventiou l.a> met and done its work A« a «(•eeimen ol mnehine politicsthe doirgs of tb«* assembled wiso n*en sbould be presorved in tbe bistorv of Hawaii. Tbe crowd thttt pull tbe polilieal wires »re suick ering l>ebind tbeir scr*-ens, and a major«ty of tbe registered voters of Oaiio bas got that ‘tired ’ feeling Mr. Jones is nominated for sen- | ator. He looka pl«*«santly sur prited. sligbtly embarrassed an«l transfer bis nomiuati> n to Mr. McCandless Tbe men wbo w anted J«mesdid oot w«nt McCundless but tbc couvention bows liumbly to tbe dictum of the Popeom and nominatos. u«>t tbe candidnte of tbe party, bot tbo candidate of Joues. Is that Amenean politicsf A Inrge number of voters bav.signified tlieir indign:«tion of tbe mauntr in whieh tho so-calIcd couvention has acted. 1bo HoL'>mi'A isnot iu “politics” tbis timo, but we cauno« fail to sbow their interest tbat w« naturaI1y take iu the politic>cr work of o«r country. We b«Te notbing tos>y agaiiist tbe men nominntc«l besides tb«t not one tbem is independent, and it is witb p?oasure that we noliee » ruraor of tbef«>nnation of atickel whieh we l>olieve would give far mnro s«tisfuction to tbe majority tban llie 0.10 presentcd bv Mr. Murray’s convention. We do not know if tbo gent!e meu mentioned, »ould accej> office or bavo auy idea of running but wo do kuow tbat if it is tbt iutention of Messrs. Dole, Dn mon and Hutcb to eslul>lisb « stublo goverMneut, it woul« bo n wise stroke of policy on tbeir }>ait to uso tbo whole Vt iUV V • V« •• •» •* •• • eho uieu iueiitloned as ‘independeut’ candidales. Witb out eoneilialion of tbo opposing paitics, Hawaii-nei will nevei be prosperous aod ber peopl* nover happy. lf it is true, tbal au iudc}>endt > nt tickct is in tb« field, wo sball hail it witb sincer« benrtincss. The gont!eroon mcnt:onod h.nv. heon our po)ilieal opp >nonts ai.e tboy mav in some measures foru a loy*l op|>o»ilion to llio prosen« cabinet but tbey nre fnr more re}>rosentative men than tho crond »eloct»d by tbe convontion. Tbo ticket senl touscontain tht following namos ai.d if reully matori»liziiig in the poiiliea! fieid will receive the sup}K>rt nolaloo» of our shrewde>t j>oliticians but ol every Lr-seeing frieud of Hawaii nai. for sknators.

Panl Neumaun, J. A. Magoon. J. Kimnelulh, J. Morg.m. C. L Carter, L. C. Ables. FOK RKPBFSENTAT1 V t S. U. Waterhouse, II. Khmme, C»e< Markham. Capt Cluuey, J.Crauu»ton. W. Henry.