Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFAHLANE A C> ». DcaJcrs in Wtnes onri Spirits Ka»hnmsm Honolnln. H. E. McINTYR , E i BRO., GnocEBT, Feed Store «t Basebt. Corner of King an»l Fort Sts., Honolnln J. P111LL1PS, PRACTICAL PLUMEEK. GAS.FITTER JOPPER-SMITn, Honse aml Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Streēt, Honolnla. Dk. MeLENNAN, Fort Stre«t, ab-ive Hotel. Mntnnl TeIephone G.v2. ftr o(Hce; 287 for re«idence. jy28 ED. C- HOWE. Hovse Sūjn and Oiaamenlal Painter. Manuf;ictnre of Liquid S itmp. 620 Ring Sireet. augl LEWIS J. LEVEY, . Ueal Estate tuid ( Jeuer.il A uctioneer. ’.>nu*r Fut{ arul Quet-u StreeU Houohi'u Persoiial «tteution g : von to S:il> ; nf Fnrniture, Real Estate, Slock an<1 Oenen Mercl.undise. Mulnal Tnlpnhon** 2;{>< “FAT BOV.” SiLD3;J ! P. McIN'ERNV, I koi’HIkioh, Fine Liquors, Wines ami Beer. Coevkh Bethkl asd Hotkl Sts.

Honolulu Carriage Hanufaciory w. W. WRI«.HT, Pkwuieīoh. (Sucw#sor to G. Wctt'. • C''arria«;e neiLOiNe; isi»RErAiRiN(;. s All «>rJi r> from «Ue Otlu-r l-;a:fci~ iu tbtf Carriairtf Buildiii)r. Trimmius j«ik1 Paiutīnir Lin- »' ill Mi«'t wllli Pnnopl Alt«ntion. n.aik-milUim: in All ll- Varion- liianelu.IKm- P 0. Box aai. No ? . U' »nd LM Fort SlPe*-’l. jylt* Iy W.S. LUCE Wiue :iud Suiril Merchaut C>tmplh , JJ Firf'prtx>J Hloek. VfKUCHANTST. TTn\OM f-U. 71 :BOTH TKLKr IONKS:71 —C0 NSO LIPAT ED—SODA-> MTATKR WOHKS-t 1XX (l.TMITTKn.) SOTI«i:.

ALL penon* «P» wnrne*t not to pertatt I tlieir«niinn!s to tn»-spass <*n th<* •=»«'*» of K»u< *»i -u l K .ui-ii ili, Kfcl'-ug»*S un.Wrsi£U»-d |»li»atrw. All foniM< ou str»yius ou the noe UmU wul w iiupou iu *<pr< or *!iot. LENTAl WAI SING KEE. Hon.iluln. Aus-» !-<•** nm; »■»»•* Toi Wo Wlng Kee Co. « Nl l ANU STREET I>e iler* in L-nl»es’ C»enl' 3 K>1 ' nnd tr.ade »o r. p o ho» m» * l '"* | Anchor-:-baloon| Ex •AUSTKALIA," Another Invoice of the Wt rld ReiK>Avned FRE0ERICKS3U.1G UGEtl B£ER ()n drAQght auii by the A?so, n> a Speculty S 4ALL FRLSH C4LlF0<f:iA 0) STERS, K'Oli (X^C^TA1IjS ooa/l oius