Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
-\H\W HOLOMJ.\, T>T;l;Līsa»?I) Allenioon v:i:pt '1*ndat bt tiie I5l3i2'aa Publisliittg Co. K _ r St (Tbotna8 block), ilonolalu, LI. 1. ■ # n-.r Vn 11L 50 Cts. ■; •- by Cdrriers m the . Copies fjr Sdle .-.v. I>i-aii.rs &ud at ihe OfBc« of ’ \D N0RR!E. - ■ Editor r, '•'. R00:JEY. - • Manager N()T1CE. Hiisiuc-ss Conimuwcation8 shonld be -1 to i’. M. KOOMA, HonoIniu. H. L < '.in< -i-.anenee anil Commuuications lor .it u .-iioul.i heud<lre»setl to the E«iitor .... H/i 'Uiua. Xo uolioe will be ptud •,. uy uiiuuyuioa8 comtuumcalious. I 5usiuoss Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFOKD, Atto. ioy aml Coatisolor .«I Law, >0« . s.te of tlm OKl Duthel — '\ c l Cor'iev of Kiug aud Bfcthol j .'-i \. T. P£T£KSON. vrrOKNEY AT LA\V. . lir. K»«bn imao Uouolulu Huwaiiau Is!ands. C11AULES CUE1GHT0N.I | A1TOUNEY AT LAW. 113 Kanhnmaua Sln>et, Hoiioluln Ilawaiiau Ulatida. | l’AUL NKUMANN, \ttounly at LAW. ,11 Morch:iut Street. Honolulu, | Mntnal To loplioue 4lō. CLAUENCB W. ASUFORD, vn mv: v and counsellob at law. 1 v :ip,tol Baiblinff, (Honolnln *i..U . a tj.uui!i({ !V»st ofl5ce, Hoiioluln l A. UOSA, attoknev at law, N . 1", Uaahuimiuu St., Honoluln, Haw.iiino IsUnds. H. F. J)EUTELMANN, 'ONTRA TOU AND BUILDEU.S s: lvmjj St., Uell lelephoue 10< f. H. UF.DWAKD. ■ ONTKA*rrOR A.NU BUU n ER, No. .'(H> King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian hUoih. ___ Wm. fost.*:r. ATORNEY-ATiuAW. 41 M«t\ haut Street. Cct llth. A, Ci COHKBA, 14T ATTOR.NET AT LAW.O» :»0? .Mcrc!taiil Honolulu. t\‘iT!;iiulos & Gomes —\vhoi.esai.e California Wines and Spirits, X \ )2 Fort St . Hmolulu. H. 1 •P 0. U >x 436. M utual T«-ie. 140
CJiI\KSE CHRRIHGE couPAsr, 13 > Botii T'LKFH.«w 585 Hn.k Smnd Corii« r KJng ! M i ke.i S rctts. H«»cks H >ur?. H 21 SA\1 IEli HOP. No. 5 » Kiug Str»*et. l>e*I«r «« Cali »inĪH Hud HnM'**® hruilr md Veget l»lefi. Ouava Jolly. *iud Cir*iuud O'P»'** «tc iy‘J0